
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


This paper makes a discussion on the present situation of school English teaching in China. This paper consists of five parts. The first part is an introduction, which states the thesis of the paper. The second part makes an illustration of the present English teaching in China, which is not satisfactory. The third part makes an analysis of the problems in English teaching in the aspects of the teaching contents, the teaching methods and the language tests. The fourth part discusses the solutions for the problems, which includes two aspects,英语论文网站,the advice for teachers and the advice for students. The fifth part makes a conclusion for the whole paper in the term of the solutions.

Keywords: English teaching in china; problems; advice




In the age of globalization, English is becoming more and more important. It has become a global communication tool. However, most students in china, no matter whether they graduated from high schools or universities, are not satisfied with their English ability because they are not able to use English well after so many year’s English learning in the schools and colleges. Most students learn English just in order to pass the exams. In order to improve the situation, this paper will make an analysis of the present situation of English teaching in China to see the problems and after that, some solutions for the problems will be suggested.
2. The Present Situation of English Teaching in China
Since 2017, with China’s continuous success of bidding for Olympics and World Expo and China’s access to WTO in 2017, China has entered into an era of globalization. Globalization means the communication and exchange between nations.  In the process of communication and exchange, language plays a key role and in all languages, English plays the most important role in the global communication. “One-fifth of people have the ability to do English communication at different levels all over the world. Two-thirds of scientists can read English in the world. 80 percent of e-mail information is saved with English in the world, and 78 percent of websites are English websites in the world.” Apparently, English is not only a language, but also a symbol, which indicates China’s national power and the ability to compete in the world. Also, with the development of economic globalization,many foreigners come to China to set up companies, invest, and travel, so the demand of English becomes more and more important.
