
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


With the rapid development of multimedia and computer network technology, modern information technology is widely applied in classroom teaching. At the same time, there is an entertainment tendency of college English classroom teaching. Teachers are willing to use exquisite courseware and recreational activities to occupy most of the teaching time. Teaching objectives are ignored, which is not beneficial to conducting effective teaching. This paper is to research the current situation of college English classroom teaching. Then based on the analysis of the questionnaire and interview, specific analysis on excessive entertainment of classroom teaching is carried out. At last, referring to some teaching theories as the input and output theory, suggestions are proposed to avoid the negative effect of excessive entertainment. 

Keywords: multimedia;English teaching;entertainment;suggestions

摘  要:



1 Introduction
In recent years, there is a tendency of abusing multimedia courseware in college English classroom teaching. Qin XiuBai (2017), the famous English educator, pointed that teachers should avoid using too much recreational activities and be careful about the excessive entertainment of classroom teaching. Today’s college students are growing up in the environment of pan entertainment, so they are fond of being entertained. At the same time, in order to make classroom atmosphere more active, teachers often organize various activities, which inevitably lead to the classroom teaching with much entertainment, but the negative effect of entertainment can not be ignored. Teachers should use appropriate activities to conduct effective language input and output. The analysis turns to be significant in practice and theories on the entertainment of college English classroom teaching.
