
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Vocabulary is the foundation of English learning. As to vocabulary learning strategies, a lot of researches have been carried out. But the electronic reference of the English vocabulary learning strategy has its own characteristics. In this paper, first of all, literature review is conducted concerning relative research achievements before the presentation of what electronic references are. Compared with paper reference, it highlights the advantages of electronic reference for English vocabulary learning. Secondly, the article summarizes the current research of vocabulary learning strategies comprehensively and emphasizes the lack of empirical research. Through the questionnaire survey and the data analysis, it explains the current situation of electronic reference adoption and analyzes the corresponding learning strategies of English vocabulary based on electronic references. Finally, it sums up the way to use electronic reference effectively in the hope of promoting English vocabulary learning.

Keywords: English vocabulary;electronic references;strategy




1 Introduction
Along with the development of science and technology, more and more electronic products are invented for the sake of easy life and learning. Language learners also benefit from the advanced technology. More and more people turn to such electronic products as electronic dictionary, internet dictionary, cell phone, MP3, online library etc. They’re beneficial to English study, especially in learning and retaining vocabulary. This paper discusses the current situation of the using of electronic references and explores the strategies to enhance the vocabulary learning strategies better by using of electronic references. Although electronic reference in language learning is not a new idea, the research on the strategies of adopting electronic reference is still very scarce. It is hoped that we can avoid the shortage and improve the level of English learners' vocabulary through this research.
