
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


本文主要探讨英语学生英语学习动机。在英语的学习过程中,动机是最有作用力的因素之一。不同的学生具有不同的英语学习动机。国内外在英语学习动机方面做过的调查探讨有许多,然而大多数都主要探讨非英语系学生的学习动机,本文则主要探讨英语系学生的英语学习动机问题。主要参考高一虹的问卷及动机分类,对四个年级的学生实施问卷调查,主要解决两大问题:不同年级的动机区别以及每个年级最显著的动机。 结果显示,四个年级显著的动机各不相同,分别为:内在兴趣和学习情境,英语论文,成绩,出国和信息媒介,个人发展。


This thesis is a study on motivation of English majors. Motivation is one of the most influential factors in the process of learning English. There are different motivations existing in different students. Many researches have been done in motivation. However, at home and abroad, numerous studies and experiments mainly concentrate on non-English majors, so I intend to study and analyze the motivation of English majors. This thesis will refer to Gao yihong’s questionnaire and classification of motivation. By conducting a survey in the form of questionnaire, this paper mainly deals with two questions: the differences of motivation in different grades and the most common motivation in every grade.    

Key words: classification of motivation, English majors, English learning motivation     

1. Introduction 
  In the field of foreign language learning research, various pioneers have done numerous investigations to find out the factors that affect the learning of foreign languages. The results show that motivation is of great importance in learning foreign languages. Previous studies on Chinese students’ English learning motivation are mostly based on the classical model and their expansions. In the classical model, motivation is mainly divided into two types, namely integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. The paper will focus on studying and analyzing motivation of English majorss. It is based on GAO Yi-hong’s classification of motivation. She divides the English learning motivation into seven different types. I will study the motivation of four grades, namely, freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors of English majors. So, the specific questions my paper will study are comparing the differences of motivation in different grades and figuring out the most common motivation in every grade.
