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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Under the trend of globalization, translation acts as an important part in international communication between China and other countries. Nowadays translation teaching becomes more and more important because it bears the main responsibility for fostering high-quality translators. Translation involves the transition of two languages, so it is important to make contrastive analysis between the source language and target language in translation teaching. With the assistance of contrastive analysis, students can have a better and clear understanding of the similarities and differences between the mother tongue and target language so as to improve translation ability. Teachers can recognize the extent of students’ knowledge of foreign language and potential difficulties. Then teachers can adjust their teaching methods accordingly. However, the former researches on the application of contrastive analysis mainly focus on undergraduate students or advanced English students. Contrastive analysis theory has seldom been applied into translation teaching in vocational colleges. The author endeavors to apply contrastive analysis theory into translation teaching in vocational colleges. This thesis elaborates the definition and the importance of contrastive analysis theory in translation teaching in vocational colleges. This study concentrates on how to apply contrastive analysis theory into translation teaching. The author compares and analyzes the main characters and differences of the two languages from the aspects of vocabulary, sentences and texts, in order to promote students’ comprehension of translation techniques. Additionally, this thesis concludes that if teachers can employ contrastive analysis theory into translation teaching, students’ translation competence will be improved greatly.

Keywords: contrastive analysis theory; vocational colleges; translation teaching;

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