
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract and Key Words

Abstract: The study aims to investigate the importance and application of body language in primary schools. Body language is a silent language, including eye contact, facial expression, gesture, posture and many other aspects. Body language can be used to express a certain meaning. At first, the thesis reviews the history and development of body language, and then the classification and functions. The next part describes the necessity and importance of applying body language into primary schools. Since pupils lack proper second language environment in the vocabulary learning of primary schools, it is necessary for teachers to apply body language to primary schools. Based on the pupils’ physical and psychological features, the teachers use body language flexibly to provide more information than verbal language which can contribute to attract the pupils’ attention and improve the efficiency of the class.

Key words: vocabulary teaching; primary school English; body language;

摘要:本文主要探讨体态语言在小学阶段的英语词汇教学的重要性和运用体态语言, 是一种无声的语言,包括眼神、面部表情、手势、身体姿势等方面,可以用于表达某种特定含义。本文首先对体态语言进行了历史的回顾,研讨了其分类和影响,英语论文,再通过了两个实验引出对目前小学英语教学中教师对体态语言使用的必要性和重要性。关于习惯使用母语而又没有英语学习环境的小学生来说,教师如果充分了解小学生的身心特点恰当地使用好体态语,可以传递出更多的语言以外的信息,自然而有效的吸引学生的注意力,英语论文范文,提高课堂效率。


1.    Introduction
Vocabulary is the construction materials of language. Human thinking activities are carried out through words. And Language has no significance without vocabulary. As Harmer (1990:158) pointed out, if we compare language structure to the sketch of language, vocabulary is the thing that provides important organs with blood and flesh. In recent years, linguists and foreign language teaching experts has achieved a broad consensus that vocabulary teaching is in the important position in language teaching.
However, grammar teaching methods hold a dominant position for a long time which focused on the analysis of language instead of the ability to use it. In addition, the emphasis on grammatical rules and construction does little help to promote the students’ overall development in the target language. In the class, the teacher was a dominator, treating the students as the reception of the knowledge. All these lead to the students’ single repetition of the words and the mechanical memory of grammatical rules. The physical and psychological characters of students as well as the economic globalization determine the necessity of utilizing body language in English classes. The application of body language can promote the feelings of learning and highlight the teaching aims, as well as arouse students’ interest in English.
