
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

 English vocabulary possesses a very important position in the English language, so English vocabulary teaching plays a great role in the English language teaching. On the other hand, it is urgent to make some changes to strengthen English vocabulary teaching because of the low efficiency of many English learners, and vocabulary learning is one of the most important causes which directly polarize Chinese teenage learners. Thus, the goal of English vocabulary teaching is to let English learners obtain enough vocabulary items (word and phrases) and help them master effective vocabulary learning strategies and techniques. Taking some theories, such as the Communicative Teaching Approach, the Integrating Language Teaching Idea and the Second Language Acquisition Theory as its theoretical bases, and in view of the present situation of English vocabulary teaching and her practical experience of English teaching, the author tries to take the theory-practice-theory way in this thesis to discuss the present problems of English vocabulary teaching in Chinese middle schools and lay emphasis on presenting some vocabulary teaching technique such as “word formation; diagram and chart; synonym and antonym; topic vocabulary teaching; interpreting vocabulary items in English; reviewing vocabulary items through reading, writing and retelling,etc”. Moreover, the author offers some illustrations of English vocabulary teaching; and in the light of the present English learning situation in Chinese middle schools, the author presents some vocabulary practice activities summarized by foreign scholars for reference, like “brainstorming, labeling and miming.”

Key words:English vocabulary teaching; teaching techniques; middle schools

摘  要:
英语词汇在英语语言中占据着十分重要的地位,英语词汇教学相应地成为英语教学中的一个关键环节。而且加强英语词汇教学的原因在于目前众多的英语学习者在词汇学习中的低效劳动,事实上成为我国青少年英语学习中两极分化现象的一个重要原因。可见,英语词汇教学的基本任务是使学生掌握足够数量的词汇(单词和短语)并掌握词汇学习的策略和技巧。本文以交际教学法、整体语言教学思想和二语习得理论为指导,并结合我国目前教学实际和作者的英语教学尝试,英语论文,试图从理论到实践,再从实践提升到理论来讨论目前我国中学英语词汇教学,本文作者将重点讨论英语词汇教学的措施,介绍一些“词汇教学技巧”,如 “构词法,图表图解法,同义反义略论法,主题词汇教学法,英语释词法,通过大量阅读、写作和复述复习巩固法”。此外,作者结合我国中学英语教学实际,借鉴了国外学者探讨总结的一些词汇教学经验如“头脑风暴”,英语论文范文,“贴标签”和“模拟表演”等,对词汇教学提供了一些实例。


1 Introduction
1.1 The Importance of English Vocabulary Teaching
Word is one of the three bases of the language units (sound, word, grammar) and is indispensable for communication. One of the famous linguists Wilkins once said that, “Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” Whoever entering upon a new linguistic context, he is prone to pick up vocabulary first, and then gradually develop a more accurate, structural frame. And he must continue to learn words as he learned structures and practiced the pronunciation. So, it is necessary that the vocabulary teaching become an important part of English course in middle schools, and also an urgent task for the teachers.

