
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Language transfer is a universal phenomenon language learners come across when they are learning a foreign language. Before language learners learn a foreign language, they have been using their mother language to communicate with each other for a long time, so that they have been very familiar with the rules of mother language. Influences caused by the negative transfer of the native tongue exist in both diction and composition of English majors’ writing. Chinese students have been affected by Chinese culture and mentality since their birth and have been ingrained by their Chinese mode of thinking and expressions. Although English majors already have a basic command of English knowledge, in English writing, they are still influenced by Chinese mother tongue either in vocabulary or grammar. So the negative transfer appears in their English compositions. In this paper, lexis, grammar and discourse of the English language will be analyzed in English majors’ writing. To improve the students’ writing, students should learn and understand western culture, and the correct use of English words and expressions. Teachers should develop students’ thinking ability and help them to form a mode of English thinking.

Key words: negative transfer; English majors’ writing; lexis level; syntax level; discourse level



1 Introduction
Language transfer is a universal phenomenon language learners come across when they are learning a foreign language. Language transfer is the influence resulting from the similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously (and perhaps imperfectly) acquired (Odlin, 1989:5). Since there are remarkable differences between the English and Chinese cultures and modes of thinking, Chinese learners are likely to be exposed to the interference of their native language, which results in the phenomenon of negative transfer.
