
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

The topic of education has always been a focus that discussed by people around the world. Many parents spare no effort to spend money on their children in order to make them receive the best kind of education. Many educators have meetings to talk about what is the right way to teach. America has long been regarded as one of the countries with excellent higher education. General education is generally adopted in American higher education. General education certainly has close connection with people’s development. What are the distinct advantages of general education and what is its significant influence on American education? During the long process of development, general education has experienced several developmental stages. Chinese cannot deny the fact that there are still some disadvantages in Chinese education system. From analyzing the general education, Chinese people can absorb the essence from the detail of general education to improve Chinese educational level.

Key words: America; general education; high education; significance

摘  要:
教育问题一直是世界各地人议论的焦点。很多家长不惜在孩子身上花打价钱使他们接收到最高质量的教育。许多学者也一直在讨论什么才是最正确的教育措施。美国一直被认为是具有最优良的高等教育的国家之一,而通识教育是美国高等教育广泛采用的教育模式。通识教育必然与个人的发展有着密切的关系。 通识教育的独特优势是什么?它对美国教育有何深远的作用?在它漫长的发展过程中,通识教育经历了几个重要的发展阶段。必需承认的是中国的教育体系还存在很多弊端,通过对通识教育的略论,中国人可以吸取通识教育的精华来提高中国的教育水平。


1 Introduction
America has long been regarded as one of the countries with excellent higher education. The level of the country’s education has been heatedly discussed among people around the world. General education, as a major educational model, is generally adopted in American higher education. Nowadays, general education has become a focus in the society with so much attention. General Education has been developed into a scientific and systemized course design mode from a sort of education logos, and accordingly, the assessment of general education is included in American University assessment system with the purposes of assessing student’s outcomes under general education. People can draw inspiration from researching into the details of general education.
1.1 Research Motivation
1.1.1 Personal Interest
The advantages of the general education are clear. Nowadays, many educators pay much attention to general education because there are many successful people who benefit from general education. Many countries try to draw useful lessons of American education system, and China is without exception. We cannot deny the fact that general education system will have a profound impact on Chinese development.
