
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

In recent years, task-based teaching approach has already drawn public attention in China. The task-based teaching which is “students centered” can encourage student’s activity and initiative. And nowadays reading is main way for people for people to get information, it is also the basic skill that student should acquire in English teaching. As we know, reading comprehension is most important in all kinds of English examination, therefore English teaching has become the difficult and important part in English teaching. So this paper will focuses on the application of the task-based teaching approach in reading teaching. The students will read, analyze and summarize reading passages by themselves. According to the basic principles of task-based teaching which are input hypothesis, interaction hypothesis and output hypothesis used in English reading teaching, and there are three steps “pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading”. The purpose of the paper is to stress that the task-based teaching approach is an effective way to improve students’ comprehensive reading quality. At the same time it must be realized that students can read on their own while the teachers act as their directors. Therefore, the teachers should design the teaching plans not only depending on the teaching material, but also on student’s individual characters. However, no one thing is perfect, task-based teaching approach still exist some disadvantages; It will be referred it in the paper. 

Keywords: task-based teaching approach; English reading teaching; advantages; disadvantages



1 Introduction
Nowadays English learning is typically knowledge centered and exam centered. Teachers are the superior part of the classroom, while students just receive what teachers teach in a passive way. To a certain extend, the appearance of task-based teaching approach proved the theoretical principle for revering the current teaching situation. In the task-based teaching, the teachers are the designers, organizations and evaluators of the activity, while the students are the main parts of the activity or the actual operator. However, it is totally opposite to the present Chinese teaching theory.

