
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要




The key function of language teaching is to make English learners be capable of communicating. In teaching practice, it is neccessary to use any kind of forms and ways to improve students’ oral English. Oral English can be improved effectively through oral language exercises. However, the traditional English teaching pays more attention to English grammar than oral English. Students can not achieve a fluent and efficient discourse because of that. How to cultivate students’ interest in English learning effectively, as well as how to make students absorb knowledge through efficient teaching methods is the core of the study. Body language is a kind of teaching art. It has its own unique characteristics, principles and forms. Body language can be powerful when verbal language can not work. It can be one of the effective approaches to improving oral English teaching because body language has its own characteristics of variety and image. In this paper, the writer makes a comparison of English teaching in class with body langugae and that in traditional ways. Through questionnaire survey research, the writer studies and analyzes the significance in oral English teaching in high school. Through research the writer of this paper makes the conclusion that body language makes a great contribution to motivating students, making them boost confidence and firmly strengthen ing the relationship between teachers and students. At the same time, body language can have the advantage in understanding in the communication.

Key words: oral English teaching; high school students; body language; effectiveness

1 Introduction
1.1 Brief introduction of body language
Nonverbal Communication includes body languages and such things that can not be perceived by vocally. For example, people’s individual cultural background, educational background, some other factors can have a great influnce on face-to-face communication. In order to explain or convey correct and appropriate feelings or emotions, nonverbal languages play a significant role. Nonverbal languages which can be called as nonverbal language cues have forms especially used in language teaching and learning classroom including kinesics, facial expressions, oculesics, haptics, proxemics, paralanguage, chronemics, physical appearance, olfactics, environmental factors etc.
