
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

[摘 要] 我国大学生英语写作中存在的突出问题主要是:词汇量不足,用语不当,缺乏衔接和连贯成分,主题不突出,缺乏修辞。本文略论了产生这些问题的原因,并提出了解决这些问题的方法。

[关键词] 大学英语写作;词汇语法;衔接连贯;主题  

CET(College English Test)标准化英文考试中,作文是必考的题型,该部分考试时间为30分钟,篇幅要求120~150个单词,体裁多样,有以记叙为主,有以描写为主,更多的是以论说(说明文与议论文相结合)为主,命题形式通常为段首句作文,图表作文,英语提示作文与汉语提示作文。但是,写作常常是令考生最头痛的事。面对一篇小小的短文,许多学生顿觉“书到用时方恨少”,加上时间紧迫,胡乱涂抹,写出来的文章读起来英语味道不浓,不论是遣词造句,还是结构安排,总摆脱不了汉语文化思维习惯和表达方式的作用,归纳起来主要有以下几个方面:


作文中常常出现的词汇问题:词汇量不足,非正式或口语化词汇较多;词义混淆,词语选用错误,词不达意。英语作文(composition, essay or article)是书面性的,而大学英语考试中要写的文章多数是说明文或议论文,因此用比较正式的语体才贴切。例如,“生意兴隆通四海,财源茂盛达三江”可以简单地表达为“Far and wide trade booms;hereand there money comes”,但在正式场合最好表达为“Homeand abroad business thrives;hither and thither profit arrives”更好,因为这样用词较为庄重和古雅(hither and thither是hereand there在古英语中的说法)。蔡基刚先生举过这样一个例子:Because I think learningEnglish is very important, especially to me. Well if you ask mewhy, I’ll tell you there are lots of reasons. Let’s look at some-thing in job market. And if you can’t speak English, you can’t get a good job. Don’t you believe? Then another is communi-cate with foreigners. You know, if you can’t speak English,how can you make your idea understood by them? Anyway,spoken English is getting more and more important. So a test ofspoken English is necessary.[1](P302)很多学生的文章中充斥着I think/believe, more andmore,lots of,kind of,let’s ...等口语化的表达,很多句子都以口语化的词because,anyway,well,you know,you see, Imean, so,and,then开头。很多学生喜欢用感叹句、疑问句,尤其是反问句、缩略语和第二人称代词这些口语化的形式。造成这种状况的原因很多,主要的原因是我们的学生读的课文和材料大多充斥着非正式的词汇,学生难以见到正式文体的词和结构,学生缺乏文体意识。教师在教学中如果能够做些适度的文体略论,学生熟记一些书面表达中常见的句型,扩大词汇量,那么这个问题便能得到较好地解决。由于对英语词义理解不透彻,学生便按照汉语意思生硬套用英语词语,这样就出现了词义混淆,词语选用错误,词不达意的问题。例如:If you meet some trouble, you canlook for(turn to) thepoliceman. (斜体为错误用法,括号里为正确用法,下同。)Finally the Chinese women volleyball teamwon(beat) theAmerican team.Slowly(Gradually) you will find the chemical experimentis veryfunny(interesting).The teacher often tells us tolook up(consult) the dictio-nary.If youhave good body(are in good health), you can dowhat you like to do.He regards menare heavy, while women are light(as su-perior to women).


学生作文容易出现的另一个问题是缺乏衔接和连贯手段。如:A student acquires knowledge mainly from the textbookand in class. When he graduates from school he can do nothing.Everything is different from what teachers told him. He may bedisappointed. He may be frustrated. He may be afraid of face the realworld. Our universities have turned out people of no use.这段文章暴露了中国学生在写作中习惯于用意合和重复来衔接,而缺少语法手段和过渡词手段。我们不妨加上过渡词看看:A student acquires knowledge mainly from the textbookand in class. As a result, when he graduates from school he cando nothing. For everything is different from what teachers toldhim. He may even be disappointed and frustrated. In the end,he may be afraid to face the real world. Obviously our universi-ties have turned out people of no use.汉语同英语相比,关联词的使用频率低,学生犯的错误为这一习惯使然。有的学生尽管使用了一些连接手段,但都是汉语式的,用重复和排比来衔接句子。如:Time can be sculpted by man. In the long panorama offifty years, some people occupy time with hard work and deepthought, they do not let time fly by. Under these people’s en-graving, time is of rich and tight texture just like a tree. Manyother people occupy time with common life. Under these peo-ple’s engraving, time is of spongy and loose texture just likepumice stones. Other people occupy time with war, offences,etc. Under these people’s engraving, time isof rotten and corrupt-ed texture,,英语论文题目英语毕业论文
