英语教学论文需求:教学进程报告:Process Report[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Process  Report--1




I英语教学论文have been teaching the students who are in their first year of a private school. Through my teaching, I've found that my students
could do well in examinations, but I have also found some problems. The biggest problem I have in my teaching is that most of my students
do not like doing the oral practice, and their spoken English is poor. This troubled me a lot. Now, I'll finish my study in Anqing TV University. I hope I can use my knowledge and theory which I learned from the university to solve that problem, and to improve students' ability of spoken English. I told my tutor my thought. She agreed this project. So I planned my teaching time and make the project timetable like below:

Stage Week Calendar
dates Tasks Material needed
Ⅰ 1
(13hrs) Sept.11-
Sept.15 Identify a problem Practical Project
Ⅱ 2-3
(25hrs) Sept.18-
Sept.29 Analyze the problem using scientific methods of investigation:
1. the analytic method
2. cause analytic
3. questionnaires
4.Interview method Practical Project

Ⅲ 4-5
(25hrs) Oct.2-
Oct.13 Design a problem solving Project.
1. read and act dialogues
2. retell the whole story the students learned from New Concept English
3. give a topic ,then ask students to discuss and give their ideas.
4. act roles in a parabolic story and show it in class. Practical project
English language
New concept English
Some English journals.
Ⅳ 6-8
(35hrs) Oct.16-
Nov.3 Complement
 the project Practical  project
design .English language teaching methodology .
New Concept English
Ⅴ 9
 Nov.6-Nov.10 Evaluate the project against a checklist Practical project design
Ⅵ 10-12
(35hrs) Nov.13-Dec.1 Write the project report Practical project design
Some English journals

Process Report—2

Name: Fang Shimei
Title: Problem Analysis
Tutor: Zhang Ning                                  Score        

My problem is that most of my students are bad at spoken English though some of them can do well in their examinations. I think this is a serious problem, so I decided to use the Analytic method, Cause analysis, Questionnaires and Interview method to analyze my problem.

Analytic method:
My students are all about at the age of 14. They are very young. Since most of them were told that English is important, but that’s not to say that they really know the importance of spoken English.
So I think I should let them know English is a global language, they will use it more often in their future daily life. Spoken English is as important as writing. The aim of a language is to communicate with others. So they must open their mouths and speak English out. Maybe my students can’t have lots of chances to practice spoken Engl,英语毕业论文英语毕业论文
