
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


日常用品》是美国黑人短篇小说作家爱丽丝 •沃克的著名的短篇小说之一。它主要表现黑人妇女在种族歧视的社会中为尊严和生存进行的抗争。本文将从后民主义角度略论短篇小说中的三位非裔美国女性由于白人对黑人的文化掌控,黑人对这些“主流”文化的接受中失去自己的价值观并产生人格扭曲,最终导致自我迷失



Everyday Use is one of the most famous short stories of African-American writer Alice•Walker, which main expresses the black women struggling for dignity and survival in society of racial discrimination. The writer of this paper will try to analyze because the white conduct cultural hegemony by some cultural institutions, dissemination of white notions based on the post-colonialism perspective and the blacks’ acceptance of the mainstream culture leads to their dissimilation of aesthetic value and their distortion of personality, and eventually leads to the three African-American women’s self-lost.

Key words:  post-colonialism; African-American women; self-lost; Everyday Use

1. Introduction
Alice•Walker is an African American novelist, poet, short story writer. Walker’s novels focus on black women in society of racial discrimination struggling for freedom, religious beliefs, dignity, and survival. The ligaments of the human spirit is the main theme of her works. Walker’s fiction has profound culture connections and metaphorical meanings, with a massive history and modernity. This paper mainly focuses on the three African-American women’s self-lost in the short story Everyday Use from the perspective of post-colonialism. This story is written by the African-American author Alice Walker, and she actually shows her deep worry and perplexity about African-American people, especially the African-American Women.
