
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





The post-war American society did not accord with the so-called “everyone born equal” described in The Declaration of Independence, instead, the black were discriminated in nearly all respects. Richard Wright, a very talented black writer in American literature, was born and grew up in such conditions, and he keeps a record of his miserable experience in his autobiographical novel –Black Boy. Segregation is one of the main themes of this novel, and it stands for racial discrimination. What the author experienced in different stages of life contributes to his rebellious emotion to segregation and to his final escape to the northern society where he realized his dream.
After intensive reading of this novel, this paper intends to prove that the segregation exists in education, medical treatment, job and other respects of southern America and try to analyze the author’s changing attitude towards segregation. At last, this paper comes to the conclusion that the blacks’ unfair experiences made them confused, fearful and resistant to the white, but the reality forced them to get used to segregation gradually. Their ideology of resignation to segregation was more terrible than the system itself. Maybe the author’s escape and success enlightens that when the strength of the black is too weak to start a revolution to change the society, they can try every means to leave the unfair land. But if more cities like Chicago were established at that time where the black people were born equal with the white, then there would have been more black people who had reached their dreams, maybe the power of segregation would have been weakened and even eliminated.
The analysis and conclusion of this paper will further deepen the understanding of Black Boy and racial segregation.

Key words: segregation, Black Boy, the black, the white
