
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要




Jane Austen was a myth in her own time and a myth in English literature. Pride and Prejudice is the masterpiece work of Jane Austen and it is regarded as one of the most remarkable novels in England. Among the famous literary characters that she created, Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice is often considered as the representative of“new woman”. Many critics have analyzed this novel from different perspectives, such as writer’s writing techniques and marriage concept.
This paper intends to make a contrastive study of different attitudes towards marriage. To comply with the demands, four parts are included in the paper: the introduction, the literature review, the body and the conclusion. Firstly, this paper would have a brief introduction of Jane Austen and the writing background. Then, this paper would introduce research study of Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice at home and abroad. The body includes two main points:  the first is to introduce five different marriage types written in this novel: ideal Elizabeth and Darcy, perfect Jane and Bingley, realistic Charlotte and Collins, ridiculous Lydia and Wickham, struggling Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet. The second is to introduce five female characters’ different attitudes towards love and discuss the correct marriage concept. The conclusion states the major findings of the thesis and summarizes the limitations shown in the process.

Keywords: Pride and Prejudice, views of marriage, female characters,realistic meaning, ideal marriage
