
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20






From the War of Independence in 1789 to the present, American society experienced only a short period of 200 years, but its growth rate is amazing. From British colony to world superpower country, its rise demonstrates the greatness of America. Exploring the reasons for its transformation can bring us a lot of inspiration.

In this process, American Dream played an important role. It emphasizes equality, one just needs to keep the faith, combined with the personal efforts, and he will be able to realize dreams. As a spiritual concept, American Dream’s transformation reflects the development of the United States at different times. In a narrow sense American Dream means that anyone can achieve success through struggle. Broadly speaking, the American Dream is about freedom, democracy, equality, and nation’s ideal. "American Dream" is a timeless theme of American literature. The history of American literature is also history of “American Dream”, from a literary point of view, to explore the "American Dream" can better reflect its profound impact on American society.

This thesis is a comparative analysis on The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and The Great Gatsby, combined with the characteristics of two different times, so as to study the transformation of the American Dream.

Key words: American dream, transformation,comparative analysis
