
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Francis Scott Fitzgerald is a representative novelist of the “Lost Generation” in American literature. The Great Gatsby, one of Fitzgerald’s masterpieces, helps him establish his status in literature. This novel makes a vivid description of the disillusion of the hero--Gatsby’s love dream. This paper throws some deep insights into the theme of the novel, that is, the disillusion of American dream of the young generation. American dream makes the point that every American, poor or rich, has the equal right to pursue happiness and success, including wealth, career, love, etc. However, in the real society of America at that time, it was merely an unrealistic dream. In recent years, American Dream has been heatedly discussed again. Under the new historical and political background, American Dream has its new interpretations. Therefore, it is of great significance to the modern society to make a research on American dream of the early 1900s.
In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses rich symbolism from the characters to details and scene, which plays an important role in deepening the theme and strengthening the artistic expression. This paper mainly focuses on the symbols in the novel to explore the pursuit and disillusion of American Dream of Gatsby. It is hoped that the paper will be helpful to readers have a better understanding of the novel.

Keywords: American Dream; symbolism; pursuit; disillusion



