
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


    Metaphor, as one of artistic ways to express the metaphorical meaning, has played a decisive role in literary works and endowed literary works with significant meanings. A large number of metaphors are employed in William Faulkner's world-renowned short story A Rose for Emily. For instance, metaphors of characters, such as Emily, Emily’s father and Homer, reveal the conflict between southern traditional culture and northern industrial civilization after American Civil War; Metaphors of objects, like the description of house shows the change of old noble’s social status. The door is a bridge through which Emily connects with the outside world, and it is also a metaphor for Homer’s death. What’s more, Faulkner presents the rose to Emily as well as his beloved south homeland. The above metaphors not only highlight the theme of this short story, but also add the aesthetic charm to it. Through analyzing these major metaphors in depth, this paper aims to achieve a better comprehension of the works and the function of literary metaphors.

Keywords: William Faulkner; metaphor in literature; metaphors of characters; metaphors of objects



