
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


The witch is the embodiment of those women who dare to fight and make the voice differ from the mainstream ideology. Under the circumstance of men have the main voice, men have the negative view on the value of women, and witch became an evil image. This thesis reveals the fact that the cruel oppression to women, especially to the witch from the reality and the theoretical basis of which the witch being persecuted. By interpreting Hawthorne’s masterpiece The Scarlet Letter, this thesis analyses the relationship between women and the witch on the basis of his creative background, character features and scene description. Meanwhile, this thesis explores the manifestation of feminism in The Scarlet Letter through the contradictoriness of the symbolic significance themselves, elaborates Hawthorne’s feminist consciousness. This thesis discloses a cultural phenomenon that women are contorted and their values are repudiated in patriarchal culture. In order to build a brand new angle of view to learn Western culture, analyze how the feminism emerged in that period, reexamine the status of women, and make women know and remodel themselves.

Keywords: witch culture; patriarchy; witch-hunting; The Scarlet Letter; feminism



