
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


The British author J•K•Rowling’s novel series of “Harry Potter” are famous for their unique narration and vivid characters, and are recognized as the most wonderful fantasy magic novels. According to researchers from home and abroad, the author blends myths with profound cultural implications into the interpretation of reality, to reconstruct an original magic world by using the characters and plots of Greek mythic archetypes. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the study of one of the novel series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, to trace the origin of its main characters, details, and plot designs to the mythic archetypes of Greek mythology. Through analyzing the changes in the meanings of Greek mythic archetypes in the novel, this thesis aims to explore the effects of the mythic archetypes in the cultural interpretation of the novel’s major characters and the thematic meanings, and thus, obtaining a better understanding of the novel.
This thesis is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the theme and content of this novel, and the impact of Greek mythology on the western culture. The second part, focusing on chapters of classic plots, interprets the cultural implications of major characters and creatures in terms of the origin of their names and the formation of their personalities that can be traced back to the Greek mythic archetypes, such as Zeus, Ares, Achilles, snake and dragon. The third part compares the plots of the novel with those concerned in Greek mythology, and to reveal the heroic theme and sacrifice spirit manifested by the profound meanings of Oedipus and Sphinx in Greek mythology. It has been found that the ancient Greek Mythology, as one of the significant sources of western literature, also exerts great impact on Harry potter, and can greatly help us understand of the novel.

Key words:Harry Potter; Greek mythic archetype; interpretation

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