
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s Four Tragedies, and it’s also known as Prince’s Revenge Record. In this drama, Hamlet, as the Prince of Denmark, was very angry when he knew his father was killed by his uncle from his father’s ghost and then he made a lengthy revenge plan. Although the revenge succeeded, the whole drama eventually ended in tragedy. Choosing the process of Hamlet’s revenge in the drama as the entry point, this thesis uses some specific examples in Hamlet to analyze and explain the dramatic irony. And it also states the differences between a speaker’s intention and a hearer’s perception and interprets the misunderstanding and ironic effect causing by the difference. Next, the author will take Austin’s Speech Act Theory as a theoretical framework to analyze the specific expression and significance of dramatic irony.
This article is divided into three chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces dramatic irony’s definition, development history, basic features and functions. And the author further explains dramatic irony through comparing dramatic irony with irony; in the second chapter, the author simply describes the content of Hamlet and states the specific representation of dramatic irony in Hamlet; the third chapter mainly talks about the basic principles of pragmatics, the development of Speech Act Theory and its application. And it analyzes the dramatic irony in Hamlet from the perspectives of Speech Act Theory in detail.

Key words: dramatic irony, Hamlet, pragmatics

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