
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


My Country and My People is a world-famous English work, written by Lin Yutang in 1936. It introduces the character of the Chinese people, the minds of the Chinese people, the political, social and literary life in China and so on. It was regarded as the best work to learn and understand the Chinese as it was first published in the Western world. In this paper, through the comparison between My Country and My People and Chinese Characteristics, Lin Yutang’s masterpiece is analyzed from the perspective of “The other” in Comparative Literature so that how Lin Yutang rebuilt the image of China is explored.
This paper is composed of five chapters. The first part is an introduction to Lin Yutang, My Country and My People and the writing background. It offers a basic knowledge for this paper. The second part states the early Chinese image in the West, and Arthor Henderson Smith’s Chinese Characteristics is taken as an example for this purpose. The third part states the late Chinese image in the West. The fourth part is the main part of this paper. In this chapter, how Lin Yutang remodeled the Chinese image is discussed from the perspective of “The other” in Comparative Literature. The last chapter is about the influence of this book. Lin Yutang is a famous Chinese writer, familiar with the Chinese and English cultures, and he made successful effort in changing the backward image of China in the West.
 The image of China in Lin Yutang's My Country and My People has greatly overthrown the backward and pedantic impression of China in the West, which not only made Lin Yutang a renowned Chinese writer in the Western literary, but also reputed this book as one of the must-read books in understanding China.

Key words: China’ image; Lin Yutang; My Country and My People; remodling

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