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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Wuthering Heights, published in 1847, was Emily Bronete’s first and only published novel. Although Wuthering Heights is now widely regarded as a classic of English literature, it received mixed reviews when first published and was considered controversial. Wuthering Heights is a novel which shows a Gothic writing style. This paper intends to analyze the major elements which reflect Gothic style in the novel. The themes of the novel are blended with conspiracy, revenge, romance, which are typical elements of Gothic novels. And further Gothic feature of Wuthering Heights is also found in the setting of the novel, such as the typical Gothic surroundings, terrifying atmosphere. By analyzing the themes, characters and settings, the paper concludes that these elements have a share in giving the novel unique Gothic charm   which makes the novel more mysterious and attractive.

Key words: Wuthering Heights; Emily Bronete; Gothic elements;


呼啸山庄》出版于1847年,这是艾米莉•勃朗特唯一一部小说。虽然       《呼啸山庄》一出版便引起极大的争议,读者也对该著作持褒贬不一的看       法,英语毕业论文,但如今该著作被广泛认为是英国文学著作中的经典之作。《呼啸山庄》       是一部具有哥特风格的小说。本文主要对《呼啸山庄》中能体现特式风格的哥特式元素进行略论。小说主题中人物之间的阴谋、复仇、浪漫爱情等这些都是典型的哥特式元素。小说中典型的环境,恐怖的氛围等进一步体现了哥特式的特征。通过对小说主题、人物和背景环境进行略论英语论文范文,论文得出结论认为《呼啸山庄》中这些元素的应用使小说充满哥特式魅力,从而使小说更具有神秘感和吸引力。


1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Emily Bronte and Wuthering Heights Works
Emily Bronte (1818-1849), a famous English poet and novelist was born at Thornton, Yorkshire. She was the younger sister of Charlotte Brontë and the fifth of six children. In 1824, the family moved to Haworth, where Emily's father was perpetual curate, and it was in these surroundings that their literary oddities flourished. In childhood, after the death of their mother, the three sisters and their brother Patrick Branwell Brontë created imaginary lands, which were featured in stories they wrote. Little of Emily's work from this period survived, except for poems spoken by characters.
