
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Lady Macbeth is one of the most famous characters in William Shakespeare’s plays. She is a controversial figure. There is no doubt that Lady Macbeth loves her husband. When Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth what he hears from the three witches, Lady Macbeth manages to help Macbeth to be the king. Then the tragedy comes into being. However, what she does really contributes to her husband; or in some degree, she just wants to realize her value under the control of patriarchy. She is astute enough to recognize her husband’s strengths and weaknesses, and ruthless enough to exploit them. Although in the end Macbeth alienates her, even no longer loves her, Macbeth will never win the Crown without her. In addition, as a woman, Lady Macbeth is a clever one who has her own thought and ability to achieve her dream. Therefore, as an ambitious woman, Lady Macbeth will certainly do something adventurous sooner or later. This paper will analyze the influence of Lady Macbeth’s character on Macbeth through feminism.

Key words: Feminism  Patriarchy   subordination



关键词:女性主义 父权制 附属

1. Introduction

Macbeth is a famous tragedy novel written by William Shakespeare. Being one of the four Tragedies, Macbeth is not an exception, excellent enough to stand the test of criticism from any perspective. This thesis is going to demonstrate that Lady Macbeth is not an evil woman but patriarchal. Through analyzing Lady Macbeth’s personality, it reveals that she is not evil, but uses evilness to cover her inner weakness. Then the reasons for such abnormal deeds are expounded, that is her patriarchal ideology, which is shown in the following four factors: extreme worship for her husband, unsexing for husband, deserting belief for husband and fear for the implied “father” who symbolizes authority in patriarchy. Through comprehending the character and the tragedy of Lady Macbeth, we may acknowledge women’s social status in history. What’s more, we are able to understand why feminism consciousness appears.
