
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Sophie’s Choice is the famous novel written by an American novelist William Styron. It has been selected as one of the best novels in English in 20th century. William Styron is a Southern writer who with unique moral and historical consciousness. In his work, through reproducing an important historical period and significant historical events of human history he represents the issue of the humanism. Sophie’s Choice is considered as the classics literature of the holocaust. With the holocaust as its theme, the novel is based on the reality of history. This novel reflects the profound influence of the World War II, expresses deep concern for the fate of the individual in society. In addition, it shows the human spiritual world with complicated contradictions and crisis which people must face. This thesis focuses on the narrative strategy. In this thesis, through the study of the narrative strategy in many aspects, the writer’s techniques of novel are analyzed to make the reader closer to the content of the novel and deepen the understanding the subject of the novel. This thesis mainly study on the narrative perspective and narrative time, focalization, fragmented and repetitive narrative structure and the rhetoric of narrative. Through these studies of narrative strategies, they can reflect the good and evil of human nature and human moral values.

Key Words: Sophie  classic literature   narrative strategy

摘 要

苏菲的选择》是美国著名小说家威廉• 斯泰伦的一部作品,这部曾被评选为20世纪最佳英语小说之一。斯泰伦深作为南方作家,具有特有的道德和历史意识。在他的著作中, 他通过再现人类历史重要的历史时期和重大的历史事件,他试图去展现人文主义这个问题。小说《苏菲的选择》被认为是“大屠杀”文学的经典之作,小说以大屠杀为题材,立足于真实的历史。这篇小说具有极高的思想价值,比较深刻地反映了二次世界大战的深远作用,对个人在社会中的命运表示深切的关注,英语论文范文,同时也展现了“二战”以后人类精神世界所面临复杂矛盾与危机。这篇论文这样集中探讨这部小说的叙事策略。这篇论文通过探讨叙事策略的各个方面,略论作者的写作手法,这样可以使读者更加的贴近小说的内容,英语论文题目,加深读者对小说主题的理解。这篇论文主要从叙事策略中的叙述视角和时间,聚焦,分散和重复的叙事结构和修辞性叙事这几个方面来探讨这部著作。通过这些叙事策略的探讨,更加可以体现人性的善恶和人类道德的价值。

关键词:苏菲  经典文学  叙事策略

1    Introduction
    William Styron is one of the most famous writers in American. Sophie’s Choice is also the most famous book written by Styron. The novel is also regarded as the landmark work in the history of Western novels.

