
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), which is founded by Halliday, provides a theoretical basis for the analysis of literature works. It mainly includes three functions: Interpersonal Function, Textual Function and Ideational Function. Interpersonal Function not only expresses the social status, attitudes and judgments of the characters, but also seeks to influence the behavior and attitude of others so as to establish and maintain appropriate links with them. From the perspective of Interpersonal Function, this thesis analyses the dialogues between the main characters. The analysis of Interpersonal Function realized by mood, modality and Appraisal Theory reveals the personalities of each character, the relationships between them, and the characters’ inner world in the short novel “A Clean, Well-lighted Place”. The novel describes three characters: an old man who is rich but commits suicide, an older waiter who is calm and sympathetic, and a younger waiter who is selfish and hurried to go back home. From the above analysis, the author aims to improve people’s capability to appreciate novels from various angles, and to prove the feasibility of SFL based on the analysis of literary works.

Key Words: “A Clean, Well-lighted Place”   Interpersonal Function   Mood    Modality   Appraisal theory

摘  要

韩礼德所创立的系统功能语言学为文学著作的略论提供了理论基础,其主要包括三大功能人际功能、 语篇功能和概念功能。其中,人际功能不仅能表达人物的社会地位、态度以及判断,还可以作用其他人的行为和态度,从而和他们建立以及保留适当的关系。本文从人际功能入手,通过略论各人物间对话的语气、情态以及评价系统,英语毕业论文,从而揭示人物性格、人物间的联系及小说中人物的内心世界。在小说《一个干净明亮的地方》中描述了三个人物:一个生活富裕却要自杀的老人,英语论文题目,一个冷静、富有同情心的酒吧老招待以及一个自私、急于下班回家的年轻招待。通过上述略论,作者意在促进人们对小说进行多角度的欣赏和解读,从而证明系统功能语言学在略论文学著作中的可行性。

关键词: 《一个干净明亮的地方》 人际功能   语气  情态  评价理论

1 Introduction
By far the most important sociological use of language is the interpersonal function, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society. Interpersonal Function is one of the three functions of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) by M.A.K.Halliday. This thesis tries to use Interpersonal Function to analyze the conversations of the short story “A Clean, Well-lighted Place”.
