
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


爱情,无论是在古代或是现代,无论是在东方亦或是西方,都是人类美好而纯真的感情经历,千百年来一直是文人墨客们笔下永恒的主题。拜伦是西方最具作用力和代表性的浪漫主义诗人之一,英语论文网站英语论文题目,而徐志摩是中国现代浪漫主义诗人的代表,也是“唯美派”诗人。本文拟就西方拜伦、东方徐志摩两位巨匠的代表性诗歌When We Two Parted和《我不知道风是从哪一个方向吹》从写作风格、主题思想方面进行略论比较,以便更深刻地去了解两位诗人,他们的时代和诗歌的艺术价值。



Love, either in the ancient times or in the modern times, in the east or in the west, is the most beautiful and pure emotion of human beings. For thousands of years, it is the eternal theme in the works of the poets and writers. Byron is one of the most influential poets of romanticism in the west, while Xu Zhimo is the representative poet of modern romanticism of China. This paper, based on the two poems representatively by Byron and Xu Zhimo, When We Two Parted and I don’t know Where the Wind Will Go, makes a tentative comparison and contrast of the two poems in the aspects of the theme and writing style, through which we can know more about the two great poets, their times, as well as their poetic values..

Key words: Byron;Xu Zhimo;love poetry; comparison.

1 Introduction

In the latest ten years, the research about the great poet George Gordon Byron is still hot in the western countries. They not only set up more and more research institutes but also published a lot of influential monographs and thesis. From the research results, we can find that the research of Byron’s poems is returning to the poetic contexts and poetic arts from the external perspectives. Compared with other countries, research about the great poet in China is obviously not enough, and the introduction of the research results is also very limited .

Mao Dun (1933) said that Xu Zhimo is the pioneering bourgeois poet as well as the last bourgeois poet in China. The research thesis about the poet sprung up just like mushrooms in recent years. The research patterns and achievements present such a trend. They summarize the characteristics of Xu’s works macroscopically and analyze them microcosmically; they lay stress on the style of his works, which are not only influenced by the foreign country but also by our own country; they do the researches single dimension to the multi-dimensions; they explore the arts of literature and look for the hidden meaning of the works.
