
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Virginia Woolf is one of the most famous modernistic British writers coming into Chinese scholars’ notice. As one of the prominent representatives of modernists, Virginia Woolf has long been at the center of literary criticism. Critics have studied Woolf and her works from the perspective of feminism, modernism or psychoanalysis, and many scholars have studied her writing techniques. Among all the studies, the study of dualities in Woolf’s works has always drawn the attention of critics. Published in 1925, Mrs. Dalloway clearly showed some binary opposition from various perspectives, such as external self and internal self, sanity and insanity, life and death, male and female etc. At the same time, the novel is of profound ideas in characterization and the meaning of life. Therefore, in terms of these two elements above, this thesis will research into Clarissa’s dual-characters based on the theory of dualistic co-existence. The thesis discussing Clarissa’s dual-characters consists of four major parts. The introduction briefly presents Virginia Woolf’s particular life experience, sketching a general summary of Mrs. Dalloway and the interpretive history of it, and then puts forward the argument of the thesis. Chapter one involves the manifestation of Clarissa’s dual-characters, falling into two sections: one deals with “Self-Contradictory Ego” and the other focuses on “Androgyny and Feminism”. In particular, the part of “Androgyny” will expand into three topics, that is, sense and insanity, life and death, male and female. In the third chapter, it attempts to probe into the causes of the formation of Clarissa’s dual-characters, namely external causes and internal causes. When illustrating the internal causes, the paper will try to find out and expound its formative causes respectively from Clarissa’s personal perspective and the angle of the author. The conclusion summarizes the heroine Clarissa’s dual-characters and points out the significance of this research.

Key words: Virginia Woolf; Clarissa Dalloway; dual-characters; duality

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