
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

夏洛特•帕金斯•吉尔曼女性主义乌托邦的先驱。吉尔曼在其著作中试图唤醒女性争取自由和独立意识的强烈愿望, 颠覆男性话语霸权, 达到女性自我言说的目的。她的著作打破了父权乌托邦文学的垄断,揭示了父权社会对女性的压迫,以女性的思维方式构建乌托邦的框架,英语论文,对20世纪80年代女性主义乌托邦小说的繁荣产生了重要的作用。本文意在通过对吉尔曼的生平以及其著作的解读,了解当时社会下女性的生活状态,探究吉尔曼的妇女解放思想,英语论文,发掘其为妇女解放运动作出的重要贡献。第一部分,说明本文的目的和意义。第二部分,介绍吉尔曼及其著作的特征。第三、四部分着重介绍吉尔曼的两部著作—《黄色的墙纸》和《她乡》。最后,对本文的总结以及个人的观点。


Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a pioneering writer of feminist utopian stories. In her works she attempts to awaken the strong desire and consciousness of being free and independent, and also attempts to subvert the male hegemony and to achieve the female’s power of speaking. Her works broke the monopoly of patriarchal utopian literature, revealed the oppression of women under the patriarchal society. She tried to build a framework for utopia in a women's way of thinking and made great influence on prosperity of feminist utopian fictions in the 1980s.This article intends to realize women’s living under that social status, to search Gilman’s thinking of women's liberation and to explore her important contributions to the women's Liberation Movement through her life experiences as well as her workings of feminist utopian stories. The first part describes the purpose and significance of this article. The second part introduces the characteristics of Gilman and her works. The third and forth parts focus on Gilman's two works-The Yellow Wall Paper and Herland. Finally, the summary and individual perspectives of this article will be given.

Key words: feminism; freedom; equality; revolt

1 Introduction
Charlotte Perkins Gilman is an important writer、theorist and socialist of the first women's rights movement. She has created many works during all her life. Such as Sociological works, novels, poems, dramas and so on. Her utopian novels not only include utopian trilogy——Moving the Mountain, Herland, and With Her in Ourland, but also some novellas and short stories, for example, What Diantha Did, Wise ,Change etc. All her works systematically show the pioneering characteristic of utopian stories in feminism. In this paper I will analyze how Gilman appeals for feminism through her life experiences and her writings.
