
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要




Amy Tan is regarded as one of the most influential Chinese American writers in the 20th American literature who plays an important role in introducing Chinese culture to the American literature circle.
This paper will interpret the changing opinions of the two sisters Kwan and Olivia on the images of ghosts in Amy Tan’s The Hundred Secret Senses. First, it gives a short introduction to the Chinese American literature and makes a clear definition in this paper. Then it clarifies the ghosts on a literal level which relates Chinese culture traits and concentrates on the ghost serving as a bridge between Chinese and American culture. Next, through the changing attitude of Olivia toward the ghost stories told by Kwan, it explores the development of the mutual relationship of the two sisters, i.e. from a strangers to a listener, a conmmunicator and finally a life partner to the other --- a course of an American getting to know the Chinese culture.  Olivia is a transmitter of Chinese culture, with whose help, Kwan comes to find the third space that fits her and casts a new image of herself with a hybrid identity. To Amy Tan, The Hundred Secret Senses is a journey to search an efficient road forming herself as well as a point to explore into two different cultures.
Key words: Amy Tan; The Hundred Secret Senses; ghost images; identity quest

1. Introduction
Of all the Chinese American writers, Amy Tan might not be the most prominent, but she is undoubtedly the most popular and prolific one. Tan’s predecessor, Maxine Hong Kinston, who holds a stronger Position in academia, has pleasantly admitted that Amy Tan has a stronger appeal than herself.
Amy Tan’s novels are mainly built on her own life experiences and her family heritage. Born in 1952 in Oakland, California, Amy Tan is the second generation of a Chinese immigrant family. Her parents left China for America in the 1940s respectively, and both of them had unusual background that later provided a great deal of writing materials for Tan’s novels. Tan’s childhood was typical among Chinese Americans who were growing up in the United States. Being raised up and educated in the dominant western culture, young Amy found herself always at odds with her parents’ expectation.
