
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract: A Woman on A Roof is written by a famous woman writer Doris Lessing, who tells a story between a woman on a roof and three men on another roof. Generally speaking, the story is about class conflict and gender conflict. However, I will focus on Tom’s sublimation from boyhood to manhood in the following two aspects: libidinal changes and self-recognition of working environment and id. As for the libidinal changes, some images will be interpreted from the perspective of psychoanalysis. All these images implicate Tom’s motivations and changes. As to another part, Tom’s recognitions in work, dreams and self are explained respectively. The whole thesis will give us a more vivid picture on Tom’s image, especially on Tom’s sublimation. It will help us gain a much deeper understanding on boy’s sublimation process.
Key Words: Psychoanalysis; Tom; sublimation; images; dreams; id; ego

摘  要:《屋顶丽人》由著名女作家多丽丝•莱辛所创作,讲述了处于不同屋顶的一个女人和三个男人的故事。总的来说,英语论文,这个文本是对于阶级冲突和性别冲突。然而我将重点从以下两个方面关注汤姆从男孩到男人的升华:关于性的态度变化和关于工作环境和本我的自我认识。关于前者来说,我将从心理略论角度略论一些意象,这些意象都暗示了汤姆的目的和成熟。就后者来说,英语论文题目,我也将分别解释工作,梦境和自我。整篇论文将会描绘出一幅汤姆的更加生动的形象。同样,他也能帮助我们获得关于男孩升华过程更深的理解。

