
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21


Chapter One Introduction引言

  隐喻,这一直被视为最函数所使用的语言的言论被一直反复讨论一些语言学家对几千年。然而,近年来,还有另一个不同的角度对隐喻的探讨已吸引了大量的注意力语言学领域的。根据新的观点,隐喻是人类认知过程。可以查看在隐喻是概念隐喻理论Metaphor, which has always been regarded as the function of rhetoric being usedin language, has been discussed over and over again by some linguists for thousand ofyears. However, recent years,there is another different point of view on the study ofmetaphor which has attracted a great deal of attention in the field of linguistics.According to the new point of view, metaphor is a human cognitive process. Thecognitive view on metaphor is the conceptual metaphor theory.In the field of cognitive linguistics,the metaphor is viewed as the basic way ofhuman beings' cognition and also the cognitive tool of human beings' abstract thought.In the book Metaphors We Live By, LakofF and Johnson (1980) points out that themetaphor is the mapping of one concept from one domain to another which facilitateus to understand the abstract concept through concrete concept, for example, tounderstand the abstract concept “life,’ by the concrete concept "journey", it producesthe conceptual metaphor “life is a journey" and metaphorical expressions as “thecrossroad of life". So, many metaphorical words are closely with the conceptualmetaphor, moreover, the experience of human beings is so common and it providesthe new perspective of foreign learning. The study focuses on the relation between theconceptual metaphor and English vocabulary learning.In this study, the relation between the theory of conceptual metaphor and Englishvocabulary learning for second language learners whose mother tongue is Chinesewill be researched. In the beginning of introduction section, there are three aspectsbeing introduced which are motivation, purpose and significance and organization ofthe study.

  1.1 Motivation of the Research探讨动机
  Vocabulary learning is the basic and core in learning the language of English forsecond language learners. The amount of mastering English words for learners hasstrong relationship with their overall abilities of English application. Both foreignerlanguage learners and linguists have viewed vocabulary learning as basic andimportant part. Wilkins (1972:111) pointed that if without grammar there is very littlecan be conveyed, but if without vocabulary there is nothing can be conveyed. Andeven though the learners learn grammar well and master the second languagesuccessfully, yet without words,the cominunication cannot produce on anymeaningful way (McCarthy, 1900: 35). Therefore,without good ability of masteringEnglish vocabulary, the abilities of other language skills will be affected. However,the ability of mastering English vocabulary is not just the amount of masteringEnglish words, but also the understanding and usage of words. So even thoughtsecond language learners have a large language, their spoken and written English isstill Chinese English. The important reason is their low level of understanding andusing of vocabulary. Many teachers and students have realized the important oflearning vocabulary, but the traditional methods of teaching and learning Englishwords have not worked effectively and most learners complained that vocabularystudy is a t,英语论文题目英语毕业论文
