
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

He was educated at the local high school,____he went on to Beijing University. which  B.after that  C.in which  D.in that

本题把介词和定语从句的用法综合到一起。英语词汇学论文从句式看,可以先排除B和D。因为B项中的after是一个介词,不能连接两个句子,可以改为He was educated at the local high school, and after that he went on to

Beijing University。B项如果引导的是定语从句,介词后面不能加that,表示事物可以加上which,英语论文题目,而D项in that作连词用意思是“因为”,很明显“他继续上北京大学”不是“他在当地中学读书”的原因。正确答案为A项,很多同学会误选C。

错误的原因在于混淆了介词表示时间还是表示地点。从语境看,本句表达的意思是“他在当地的中学读书,之后他继续上了北京大学。”因此此处的介词表示了时间的先后联系。如果使用in which则表示“他在当地的中学读书,期间他继续上了北京大学”或理解为“他在当地的中学读书,在当地中学他继续上了北京大学”,很显然不符合语义逻辑。再如:

There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldn’t get____.

A.between B.through C.across D.beyond

本题考查了介词表示空间的用法。四个选项都可以表示地点。between强调在两者之间;through表示从内部通过、穿过;across强调横穿;beyond在……的那一边。题干表达的意思是“门口站着很多人,小女孩进不去(从门口进入)”。所以使用get through。



1. 时间的大小各不同


①As a middle school student in a small city,I have to get up at 6 every morning.

②The 2017 Chinese Spring Festival falls on February 7.

③The 2017 Beijing Olympic Games will be held in August.

[辨析]at表示时间的一点,时刻,如:at 12∶00,也可以表示“在黎明、中午、夜间”。如:at dawn/at daybreak在黎明时候;at noon在中午;at night在夜里;at midnight在半夜。on表示具体的日子或特定的时间,如某日、星期几、某个特定节日。如:on August 8,on a cold morning,on Monday, on National Day。in则表示较长的时间,如世纪、朝代、年、季节、月份,也可以泛指上下午、晚上等。如:in the 1990s,in the Ming Dynasty,in May,in the morning。

2. 时间的点和段要分清


①The 2017 Beijing Olympic Games will be held in four months.

②I will go abroad to study for my master degree after July.

③I have learned English for 6 years.

④I have learned English since 6 years ago.


3. 从泛指和特指方面来攻关。


①We usually have PE classes in the afternoon.

②The opening ceremony of the 2017 Beijing Olympic Games will be held on the morning of 8,August.

③I have a practice of surfing the Internet at night,but I had to finish my homework on the night of last Monday.


4. 时间的先后不含糊


①      His father died in Wuhan at last March.

②His father had gone abroad to do business by last March.

③His father has been doing business abroad since last March.



1. /英语论文区别空间的方位


①The horse jumped over the fence and ran across the field.Beyond the field flowed a river.

②Taiwan lies in the east of China;Japan lies to the east of China; Korea lies on the east of China.

③The university is opposite a factory,between a hospital and a post office.


2. 区别所在空间的动态和静态。


①When I came into the room,he was in the sofa.

②Mr.Smith was walking along the coast when he found a beautiful cottage on the coast.
