“When it comes to...”的句型释疑及其运用措施略论[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

“When it comes to...”的句型释疑及其运用措施略论-英语语法论文润色

摘 要:对于“When it comes to...”的句型释疑及其运用措施略论的英语语法论文润色:通过总结句型“When it comes to…”的运用,提出应结合词语的实际运用来正确理解该句型的含义,应用这种句型可以克服外语学习中将英语表达与汉语表达绝对对应的错误做法。


当今中国,恐怕略有文化的人都知道“来是come,去是go”。然而,真正学习英语(包括其他外语)的人都知道外语的学习并非如此简单,它需要多模仿、勤练习、善总结、多运用。大家平时所遇到的多是词汇问题,这可以通过查词典解决;另一类多发问题正是一些常用单词组成的词组或句型很难理解或把握其确切含义。本文就从常用单词come的常用句型“When it comes to…”谈起。


“When it comes to…”这一句型频频出现在英美人士的文章中,甚为时髦;这也给我们正确理解带来诸多麻烦。笔者认为,要较好解决这一问题,首先应正确理解词组come to的含义和用法。这是因为大家对come to很熟悉;问题也正是由此产生。众所周知,“come to”的意思是“to regain consciousness”,比如:The girl fainted, but she came to when we threw drops of water on her face.那女孩昏了过去,我们给她脸上滴了点水,她又醒了过来。这里的to是副词,与come共同构成一完整词组,还可替换为round。如:Pour a jug of water on his head,he’ll soon come round.给他头上浇一罐水,他会很快醒来。但这下面的一句又该如何理解呢?When it comes to helping you arrive in better shape, we know no boundaries.《牛津现代高级英汉双解辞典》(第3版)有如下解释:come to this/that, etc. reach the state o affairs indicated, or a particular state of affairs:达到上下文所暗示的某种地步;达到某种情况。例如:When it comes to helping his wife with the housework, John never grumbles.临到约翰帮太太作家事时,他从不会出怨言。简言之,come to在句型“When it comes to…”基本含义应是“涉及、对于”,而不是一般意义上的“复苏”(toregain consciousness)了。再看上面所引有关约翰的例句即可明白,it只是个表示主语的功能性词语,含义模糊,无实在意义。

二、“When it comes to…”的运用

1.表示“在……方面”,或“在……上”这是最大量的用法,先看下面的例句:When Germany created the world’s most advanced rubbish-reclamation system last year, Environment MinisterKlaus Topfer proudly declared,“When it comes to recycling we Germans are world champions.”去年,当德国创造出世界上最先进的废物回收利用系统时,德国环境部长克劳斯•陶普费尔曾自豪地宣布:“在废物利用方面,我们德国人在世界上是领先的”。When it comes to helping you arrive in better shape, we know no boundaries.使您着陆时容光焕发,我们的服务无止境。(某航空企业的广告) In the run-up to the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Japan has figured inmost discussions, primarily as chief presumptive donor when it comes to the question of who will pay the bill forhalting degradation of the global environment.里约热内卢联合国环发大会召开之前,在谁来为制止全球环境恶化而解囊的问题上,日本在大多数的讨论场合都首先以一个主要假定捐款国的形象出现。这是该句型的最基本的用法,其他用法均与此有或多或少的关系。只要能充分认识和理解这一点,并活学活用,我们就很容易掌握该句型的各种用法。
2.表示“谈到”,“提起”When it came to computer, that newcomer’s face lighted up.谈到电脑,那新来的便眉飞色舞。When it came to technical matters, the premier—an electrical engineer by training—“really opened up,”thejournalist recounts.当谈到专业技术问题时,这位总理--—一位科班出身的电气工程师--—“才真正侃侃而谈起来”,记者追忆道。When it comes to politics I know nothing.谈到政治,我一窍不通。
3.表示“涉及、牵涉到”A hundred years later, Americans are more sexually permissive, but not, it seems, when it comes to theirpresidential candidates. 100年后的今天,美国人对性行为更加放任了。但是,如果事关总统候选人,那又是另当别论了。
4.表示“就……而言、从……来看”Japanis nonetheless 30 years behind America when it comes to women’s lib, and it is not showing theenthusiasm to catch up as it has done in technology and finance.就妇女解放而言,日本人落后美国30年。日本虽然在技术、金融方面一直在追赶美国,但在这方面却未表现出同样的赶超热情。这时它可以由“by”、“in terms of”、“as far as…is concerned”来替换:What does this mean when it comes to our flying saucer program? (What does this mean as far as our flyingsaucer program is concerned?)When it comes to trade he is a dealer in antique furniture. (By trade he is a dealer inantique furniture.)When it comes to art treasures, Italy is one of the richest countries in the world. (In terms of art treasures, Italyis one of the richest countries in the world.)
5.表示“关于”When it comes to Marxist, nationalism of this,英语毕业论文英语毕业论文
