
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

摘  要   本文介绍了同位语和同位联系的三种类型及其用法
     同位语是对一个词或一组词的内容加以说明。同位语一般有两个, 第一同位语和第二同位语。同位语也有中心词和修饰语之分, 第二个成分大多为修饰语, 因为它起解释说明的影响, 如: Timoth2y , my el dest brother , lef t yesterday ; 但有时第一成分为同位语, 因为它起解释说明的影响, 如: Myel dest brother , Timothy , lef t yesterday .同位联系的三种类型略论如下
  1   同位类型
  1. 1   完全 ( f ul l ) 同位和部分 ( part ial ) 同位。完全同位指两个同位成分中的任何一个都可以省略, 部分同位指两个同位成分中只有一个可以省略。例如:(1) George Washi ngton , our f i rst presi dent , l ived i n V i rgi nia. (完全同位)(2) Your f riend Mart i n has j ust cal led. (完全同位)(3) The pol iceman raised his hand , a signal f or the t raf f ic to stop. (部分同位)(4) The sol diers , some of them bei ng drunk , started f ight i ng. (部分同位)1. 2   严格 ( st rict) 同位和微弱 ( weak) 同位。严格同位本文出自,在/英语毕业论文与留学生论文方面具有丰富的经验!如果需要原创英语论文,英文论文请关系 QQ:949925041指两个同位成分相同的句法结构; 微弱同位指两个同位成分为不同的句法结构。例如:(1) I l ike the f i lm The Yel low Earth very much. (严格同位)(2) One f actor , prices , w as important . (严格同位)(3) I w as tol d the f act that he had spent al l his money . (微弱同位)(4) can only say this : you have been w arned. (微弱同位)
   1. 3   限制性 ( rest rict ive) 同位和非限制性 ( non - rest rict ive) 同位。限制性同位指两个同位成分为同位成为同一个信息单位, 既可以表示包括意义, 又可以表示等同意义; 非限制性同位指两个同位成分为不同的信息单位, 既可以表示包括意义, 又可以表示等同意义。例如:(1) A merican w ri ter Mark Tw aion w as one of the most f amous w ri ters i n the worl d. (限制性同位)(2) Tom is out here i n the of f ice. (限制性同位)(3) We hurried , even ran , to the door. (非限制性同位)(4) Not bef ore , not even i n the sevent ies , had the out look seemed so bleak . (非限制性同位)
    2   同位联系在每一个含同位语的结构中, 都会出现这三种类型 (各其中之一) 的同位联系。
   2. 1   完全 /严格 /限制You f riend Mart i n has j ust cal led.I l ike the f i lm The Yel low Earth very much.2. 2   完全 /微弱 /限制:I w as tol d the f act that he had spent al l his money .Tom is here i n the of f ice.
   2. 3   完全 /严格 /非限制:We hurried , even ran , to the door .George Washi ngton , our f i rst presi dent , l ived i n V i rgi nia.
   2. 4   完全 /微弱 /非限制I can only say this : you have been w arned.Not bef ore , not even i n the sevent ies , has the out look seemed so bleak .
    2. 5   部分 /严格 /限制:I l ike the f i lm The Yel low Earth very much.A merican w ri ter Mark Tw ai n w as one of the most f amous w ri ters i n the worl d.
    2 . 6   部分 /微弱 /限制:We must f ace to the f act that we have spent al l our money .I had no evi dence that Tom w as the murderer , .
   2. 7   部分 /严格 /非限制:We hurried , even ran , to the door .One f actor , prices , w as decisive .
   2. 8  部分 /微弱 /非限制:The sol diers , some of them bei ng drunk , started f ight i ng.The pol iceman raised his hand , a signal f or the t raf f ic to stop.3   非名词短语的同位联系虽然同位语之间的联系主要是名词短本文出自,在/英语毕业论文与留学生论文方面具有丰富的经验!如果需要原创英语论文,英语毕业论文英语论文范文,英文论文请关系 QQ:949925041语与名词短语或起名词短语影响的结构之间的联系, 但也是可以是介词短语与副词、副词与副词、介词短语与副词短语、介词短语与介词短语、动词与动词等同位。例如:(1) Tom is here i n the of f ice.(2) They are goi ng dow n to the shoppi ng mal l tomorrow .(3) Not bef ore , not even i n the sevent ies , had the out look seemed so bleak .(4) We hurried , even ran , to the door.
1  章振邦. 《新编英语语法教程》上海外语教育出版社, 1992 年
2   (美) Thomasl Lee Crowell , J r.《现代英语用法指南》1983 年
3  张克礼. 《新英语语法》高等教育出版社, 2017 年
