
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21


1 Introduction引言

  在中国,学生掌握英语,英语毕业论文,所以在课堂上教师和学生之间的沟通,大大决定最终的教学效果,课堂是唯一合适的地方。教师的提问扮演的重要组成部分,在课堂上质疑其记在心头,承担相应的知识,是教师的必要条件。In China, classroom is the only suitable place for students to acquire English, socommunications between teachers and students in class greatly decide the final teaching effects.Teacher questioning plays' an important part in class, so bearing appropriate knowledge onquestioning in mind is a necessity for teachers. However,Chinese college English teaching(teacher questioning in particular) is far from satisfaction at present. Teachers put moreemphasis on linguistic and grammatical standardization, vocabulary memorization and materialreading instead of the practical use of the language. Most questions they offer are restricted tothe recalling and memorizing of facts, whereas questions beneficial for cultivating students'communicative capabilities are rarely touched upon. The fastchanging world is in want ofsuch kind of person who is not only good at linguistic knowledge but is skilled in pragmaticcompetence as well.  That means people in communication should be capable of bothexpressing themselves and understanding others. They must know what to say to the rightperson at the right moment for the purpose of making communication successful and avoidingpragmatic failures.Speech act theory, put forward by J. L. Austin and developed by J. R. Searle,can serve as thetheoretical basis for the cultivation of students' communicative competence. Speech act theoryholds that people not only make prepositional statements when they use language but also atthe same time fulfill some functions; the goal of teacher questioning in college Englishclassroom is to develop students' communicative capability. Speech act theory and teacherquestioning share something in common in that they both emphasize on the practical usage ofknowledge instead of linguistic functions. It is necessary to make a tentative investigation onteacher questioning in light of speech act theory.

  1.1 Significance of the Study探讨意义
  As an indispensable part of teacher talk, teacher questioning plays a vital role in stimulatingstudents' enthusiasm for communication and activating their thinking. As early as 1912,R.Stevens caixied out a research on teacher questioning which had been regarded as the core ofeffective teaching(Jin Chuanbao, 1998:40).The quality of teacher questioning will not onlyinfluence the effects of classroom teaching but students' language acquisition in class as well.Teachers will raise questions with clear goals by investigating teacher question from theperspective of speech act theory. In accordance with the results gained through questioning,I teachers can not only realize their exiting problems and conquer them but find the reasons forstudents' passivity in asking and answering questions in class. By applying speech act theory toteacher questioning, teachers are able to change students from passive receivers to activequestioners.

  1.2 Purpose of the Study探讨目的
  The present study is designed to investigate the characteristics of college teacher questioningfrom the perspective of speech act theory. It is conducted in ways of
