1 Introduction引言
Researches have shown that classroom interaction, especially questioning andanswering, plays an important part in improving students’ English proficiency(Littlewood, 1987:79). “Classroom interaction—the oral interaction that occurs betweenthe teacher and students and among students—has a great bearing not only on students’comprehensible input but also on their effective output of the language, especiallythrough the language students’ negotiation of meaning” (Ellis, 1985:102). Classroominteraction is also meant to promote greater malleability in students’ inter-languagesystem and a greater willingness to explore their language and try out their hypotheses. Through classroom interaction, language students have more opportunities to practicetheir English and have greater motivations and more positive attitudes toward classroomteaching and learning. In recent years, English language teachers in China have begunto realize the importance of classroom interaction in college English classes (WangDuqin, 2017).
1.1 The Background of Present Study当前探讨背景
作为一种重要的技术语言教学、问题和答案形式的课堂活动较高百分比,因此探讨外国语言教学是一直在该领域探讨的一个热点。As an important technique of language teaching, questions and answers form ahigh percentage of classroom activities, and therefore has been a hot issue in the field offoreign language teaching research.There are several detailed reasons why questions are so commonly used in teachingand learning. Richard & Lockhart( 2017:185) regards that questioning not only canmaintain students’ interest ,encourage students to think and focus on the content of thelesson but also enable a teacher to clarify what a student has said, to elicit a particularstructure or vocabulary items, to check students’ understanding and to encouragestudents’ participation in a lesson.Since teacher questioning plays an important role in the comprehensible input andinfluences students’ output production, studies of teacher questioning will contribute toEnglish teacher education. But as Richards indicates (1987), although a number ofquestioning techniques have been identified in content classrooms, there is no assurancethat the same techniques used by foreign language teachers will also result in effectiveteaching. As an important part of classroom interaction, teacher questioning is also anarea they are complaining about. Studies of teacher questioning will to some extentmeet teachers’ demands and improve their teaching efficiency.
1.2 The Objectives of Present Study当前探讨的目标
本探讨旨在研讨在英语课堂上作用教师对学生的提问回答The present study aims to investigate the influence of teacher questioning onstudents’ answer in EFL classroom. To be exact, the present study is designed to answerthe following questions:1)What are the influences of the four questioning strategies on students’ answer inthe observed EFL classroom?2)What are the influences of different question types on students’ answer in theobserved EFL classroom?3)What are the influences of different periods of wait time on students’ answer inthe observed EFL classroom?The three questions are concerned with different dimensions of teacher questioning,which are questioning strategy, question type and wait time. Their influences onstudents’ answer are ,英语论文网站,英语论文范文