
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapterl Introduction

1.1 Research Background
随着经济全球化的推进,英语毕业论文英语商业信函已经成为国际商务活动的信息化和通信的最重要手段之一。业务对应的翻译是重要的静坐业务活动涉及的各方的经济利益有直接作用。然而,重要的商务信函翻译,商业信函翻译回顾过去的探讨,笔者发现,仍然没有足够的翻译商业信函翻译理论与实践的结合上探讨。大多数探讨已经完成,根据翻译的经验,以及商务信函翻译仍缺乏理论指导。通过CE香农信息理论,首次提出在1948年,这一直的运用于很多领域,如语言学,媒体,通讯等。关于探讨通信是最广泛运用信息理论的领域之一。With the advance of economic globalization, English business correspondence hasbecome one of the most important means of information transition and communication ininternational business activities. The translation of business correspondences is important asit has direct influence on the economic interest of the parties involving business activity.However, as important as the translation of business correspondence is, reviewing paststudies on business correspondence translation, the author finds that the studies on combiningtranslation theory with the practice of business correspondence translation are still notsufficient. Most of the research has been done according to the experience of translators, andthe translation of business correspondence still lacks theoretical guidance.Information theory was first proposed by C. E. Shannon in 1948, which has been appliedto many fields such as linguistics, media,communication and so on. The study ofcommunication is one of the fields that applied information theory most extensively.
翻译是一种跨语言的沟通,信息理论的一些重要概念,如信道容量,编码,解码,冗余和已引入翻译探讨,成为一个多维的角度探讨翻译。奈达并被首先介绍了信息理论的学者,谁翻译。他建议翻译的三个步骤:略论信息,传递信息和重组信息。冗余是在信息理论中的一个重要概念或术语。根据信息理论,渠道都不可避免地干扰噪声(奈达,1964)。其中一个的语际通信成功的最重要的因素是语言中的冗余。从这个角度来看,可以得出结论:在翻译作为跨语言通信,冗余是必要的。商业信函的特点,它的功能作为重要的通信工具,在许多方面的异同,导致冗余不平衡,如商务英语信函和华商对应的措辞,语法,格式,风格和文化之间,使得人们能够使用信息理论学习商务信函翻译,然后找出适当的措施来英汉翻译中的商业信函裁员。Translation is an interlingual communication, some important concepts of information theory,such as channel capacity, encoding, decoding,redundancy and so on have been introduced totranslation study,becoming a multi-dimensional perspective of studying translation. Nida wasthe first scholar who introduced information theory to translation. He advised three steps oftranslation: analyzing information, transferring information and restructuring information.Redundancy is an important concept or term in information theory. According to informationtheory, channels are inevitably interfered by noise (Nida, 1964). One of the most importantfactors contributing to successful interlingual communication is the redundancy in language.From this perspective, it can be concluded that redundancy is necessary in translation as aninterlingual communication.The characteristics of business correspondence,its function as important communicationtool, the differences in many aspects that cause redundancy imbalance, such as wording,syntax, format, style, and culture between English business correspondence and Chinesebusiness correspondences, make it feasible to use information theory to study on thetranslation of business correspondence, and then find out proper approaches to theredundancies in E-C translation of business correspondence.

1.2 Significance and the Purpose of the Study
The author proposes approaches to the redundancy in E-C translation of businesscorrespondence from the perspective of information theory. Up till now,英语论文题目,the informationtheory has been applied to the study of tourist and literature translation. However, there arefewer studies on E-C business correspondence translation from the perspective of informationtheory. Meanwhile, the specific researc
