
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22


Chapter I Introduction
1.1 The applications of Nida’s functional equivalence theory to business
English translation Nida's theory on translation has a great influence on most of Chinese translation scholars.In the 1980's,his translation theory was first introduced into China.Since then,his translation theory (functional equivalence)has become the most influential,the earliest and the most frequently mentioned western translation theory in China.His contributions to this field of translation mainly lie in two areas:
1)He brought about communication theory and semiotics into the translation theory and put forward the functional equivalence theory.2)He also brought about the latest research studies of modern linguistics to the translation theory.(Zhou Yi&Luo Ping,1999:32-33)
Functional equivalence theory provides new perspectives for translation.Translation studies in China were not only limited on the static analysis of translation criteria after introduction of functional equivalence as before.At this time,Chinese translation studies were mainly focused on the techniques of translation.The different between literal translation and free translation has been primarily the focus on discussion or debate,yet very little constructive advice on to what should be done to improve the translation was provided until the introduction of the methods of functional equivalent theory.The problem is that both the literal translation and the free translation methods mainly depend on the relationship of the source text and the target text;whether in terms of the style or content,keep social circumstances of translation lost from sight.While the methods of functional equivalent theory introduce a new dimension the relationship of receptors for the target language text.
In the perspective of communication,functional equivalence theory allows more freedom and flexibility to the translator who is used to follow strict formal equivalence in order to be“faithful”to the source language text.When translators focus on the style of source language text,their translation is source language text oriented correspondent.So the readers may find the target text obscure and even unintelligible.For functional equivalence,translators have much space to put the message of text.In other words,its semantic meaning is in a way to meet the receptor’s cultural needs.The translator doesn’t have to insist the style of the source text as far as the meaning is conveyed to the target readers. The receptor oriented dynamic equivalence criteria give priority to adaptations in grammar,lexicon and cultural information and so on,which is considered essential to business text to target text.
1.2 Reasons for applying Nida’s functional equivalence theory to business English translation

1.Bolen,W H.(1981).Advertising.London:John Wiley&Sons,Inc.
2.Eugene A.Nida.(2017).Language and Culture--Contexts in Translating.Shang Hai:Shang Hai Foreign Education Press.
3.Grice,H.P.(1975).Logic and conversation.In P.Cole&T.Morgan(Eds),Syntax and Semantics (Vol.3):

Speech Acts.New York:Academic Press.
4.Halliday,M.A.K.(1994).An Introduction to Functional Grammar.London:Edward Arnold Limited.
5.Mark Ellis&Christine Johnson.(2017).Teaching Business English.Oxford:Oxford University Press.,英语毕业论文
