
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
It is known to all that language contains three basic components—pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar, among which vocabulary is the most important one. A famousBritish linguist D.A.Wilkins (1972) believes that without grammar, very little can beconveyed while without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. Another famous linguistM.Mc Carthy (1990) also holds the opinion that no matter how excellent a learner’sgrammar is and how accurate a learner’s pronunciation is, but without enough vocabularyto express his/her own feelings or to understand others’ opinions, he/she still cannotcommunicate with others in that language. The importance of the vocabulary can be seenfrom their statements. Vocabulary learning is throughout the whole process of languagelearning. The mastery and accumulation of vocabulary directly influence thedevelopment of language learners’ listening, speaking, reading, writing and translationabilities. Only after mastering enough vocabulary will the learners be able to understandand communicate with others in that language. Limited vocabulary greatly affects thelearners’ ability to express their true feelings and the abundance and accuracy of theirthought. From this point, the author may safely draw the conclusion that to what degreeone’s adequacy is determines how well one is able to carry out the communication.Linguists and language teaching experts both abroad and at home have reached anagreement that vocabulary teaching is of great importance in language teaching.

1.2 Objectives and Significance of the Research

1.2.1 Objectives of the Research
There research is mainly designed to testify whether the vocabulary learningstrategies are effective or not. There are a few objectives the author wants to achievethrough this research. Firstly, the author hopes that the students can develop relativelyright beliefs on vocabulary learning. Secondly, this research hopes to be able to findsome effective ways of improving junior high school students’ vocabulary learning.Thirdly, this research aims to enhance junior high school students’ awareness in adoptingvocabulary learning strategies and their confidence in learning English and vocabulary.Most importantly, the author hopes that the students can grasp some effective vocabularylearning strategies which are suitable for them and know how to learn in the future. The present study has its theoretical and practical significance. Theoreticallyspeaking, it is known that the language learning strategy is an important aspect of foreignlanguage learning and the foreign language learning theory is not complete without thelanguage learning strategy. Since vocabulary learning strategy is contained in thelanguage learning strategy and is an important part of it, therefore, the present study canprovide evidence for constructing the solid foreign language learning theory, for it canput the learning strategy theory into practice and offer some useful data and informationfor the further research. Practically speaking, firstly, the present study can make acontribution in making up for a deficiency in the field of domestic studies on junior highschool students’ vocabulary learning strategies and its training and offering someenlightenment for exploring a certain training pattern which is ,英语论文范文英语论文
