Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background and purpose of the study
Reading is an extremely important skill. Good reading skill increases the ability to learnand master large volumes of information. Reading is regarded as the most important skill thata child must acquire at school, because human beings leam to read and then are able to I earnmuch. Research findings in applied linguistics and reading research consistently show astrong correlation between reading proficiency and academic success at all ages, from theprimary school right through to university level: students who read a lot and who understandwhat they read usually attain good grades. In other words, a student who is a good reader ismore likely to do well in school and pass exams than a student who is a weak reader. Goodreaders can understand the individual sentences and the organizationai structure of a piece ofwriting. They can comprehend ideas, follow arguments,英语毕业论文,and detect implications. They knowmost of the words in the text already, but they can also determine the meaning of many of theunfamiliar words from the context. In a word, good readers can extract from the writing whatis important for the particular task they are employed in.For EFL students, reading is also an especially important way to improve their English.There are many advantages associated with reading English materials, such as, learningvocabulary in context, seeing correctly structured English, and accumulating models forwriting. What's more, students can read to learn based on their own speed and personalinterest.
1.2 Significance of the study
The Curriculum Standards makes Reference to the cultivation of the students' autonomouslearning ability in the part of impiementation proposals. However, the current situation ofjunior school students' extra-curricular reading and learner autonomy is unsatisfactory. Thereis a striking gap between the present extra-curricular reading and the regulation made by theCurriculum Standards.The cultivation of the students' autonomous learning ability is the main and important pariof new English curriculum reform. Along with the advancement of teaching reform,more andmore junior school English teachers are conscious of the importance of extra-curricularreading,英语毕业论文,but there is no propagable and mature model for teachers to guide students to fulfillthe extra-curricular reading. In most cases, both junior high schools students and the teachersdon't know how to carry out extra-curricular reading more effectively.Though many experts and educators have done some researches about Englishextra-curricular reading and put forward some implementation suggestions, the researchesabout cultivating the junior high school students' extra-curricular reading are still seriouslyinsufficient.Based on the analysis of the present situation of learner autonomy in junior high students'extra-curricular reading, the author attempts to make use of the teacher's scaffolding roles inorder to combine in-class reading shows and students' autonomous extra-curricular readingafter class to cultivate the learner autonomy in extra-curricular reading in light ofpredecessors' research results.Hopefully, the study will be helpful for the teachers to promote and cultivate the juniorhigh school students' learner autonomy through extra-curricular reading.