
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research
然而,尽管中国的教育体系被检定开展自20世纪90年代后期以来,在中学英语教学的课程和教学改革,仍然有许多问题需要解决。在传统的语言教学,课堂教学被看作是一个过程,其中传输知识从教师传给学生。教师主宰之类的,英语论文网站,但有一点老师和学生之间的互动。中国目前的教学情况,以教师为中心的课堂教学。教师谈话占用了70%甚至90%的上课时间,留下一点机会,英语论文范文,让学生参与课堂活动,并表达自己的意见。这样的教学环境中被认为不利于语言学习,挫伤学生的学习兴趣和动机(周,2017年)。老师讲外语教学的探讨,已逐渐吸引语言学家和外语教育的关注,在国内和国外20世纪70年代以来(盖斯,1977;亨泽尔,1979; Sinclair和Coultl,1975年,克拉申,1982年,龙,1983;肖德龙,1988年)。However, although China's education system hasbeen carrying out curricular and pedagogical reform since the late 1990s,English languageinstruction in middle schools still has many problems which need to be solved. Intraditional language instruction,classroom teaching is seen as a process during which theknowledge is transmitted from teacher to students. Teacher dominates the class, and thereis little interaction between teacher and students. Current pedagogic situation in Chinaleads to a teacher-centered classroom. Teacher talk takes up 70% even 90% of the classtime,leaving little chance for students to get involved in the classroom activity and expresstheir opinions. Such pedagogic environments are perceived detrimental to languagelearning and demoralizing for students' learning, interest and motivation (Zhou, 2017).In the research of foreign language instruction, teacher talk has been graduallyattracting attention of linguists and foreign language educators at home and abroad since1970s (Gaies,1977; Henzel,1979; Sinclair and Coultland, 1975; Krashen, 1982; Long,1983; Chaudron,1988). 努南(1991:189)争辩,老师讲是至关重要的,不仅组织了教室,也为第二语言习得的过程。它是很重要的,因为它是通过语言的组织和管理的课堂,教师无论是成功或失败来实现自己的教学计划。此外,它也是对学习者语言输入的一个重要来源。教师话语的数量和质量会作用甚至决定课堂教学成功与否(Halcansson,1986)。库克(2017)也认为,外语教学课堂的独特性在于以该语言为基础向不同的方式参与。首先,组织和控制课堂通过语言,第二语言是实际的题材,正在教。Nunan (1991:189) contends that teacher talk is of crucialimportance,not only for the organization of the classroom, but also for the processes ofsecond language acquisition (SLA). It is important for the organization and management ofthe classroom because it is through language that teachers either succeed or fail toimplement their teaching plans. Furthermore, it is also an important source of languageinput for learners. The amount and quality of teacher talk will affect and even decidewhether classroom teaching is successful or not (Halcansson, 1986). Cook (2017) alsobelieves that the uniqueness of L2 teaching classroom lies in that language is involved intwo different ways. First,the organization and control of the classroom take place throughlanguage; second, language is the actual subject matter that is being taught.
In China,foreign language teaching has put emphasis on the content and the outcome,focused on the acquisition of knowledge while ignoring the process of study and thecultivation of students' learning approach (Huang, 2017). Thus in the research of foreign language teaching, more attention has been paid to the psychology of language acquisition,and few is about the research of real teaching class. Tang yanyu and Liu Shaozhong (2017)analyze the functions of teacher talk from pragmatics point of view; Hu Xuewen (2017)also analyses the functions and features of teacher talk. These studies provide guidance andReferences for the research of teacher talk, but most of them are just description of facts orcollection of materials, and lack of systematic study. Further research should be carried outto probe into the connection between teacher talk and English studies (Hou, 2017).Field researches
