
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 The current English teaching in China
Most of the English classes in China still highly based on the grammar analysis andrelevant exercise teaching method,where teachers talk takes up about 90% or even100% of the whole class time,leaving students nearly no time to raise questions orpractice what they have leamt. Teachers always give explicit explanation of thegrammar rules and learners are required to sit straight and listen carefully. All theexercises in class are all focus on the grammar rules not the meaning. This phenomenonis especially true in senior high school. Some of them even get very high scores in theexams but still can't speak, because the English class put more emphasis on the readingand writing skills but neglect the listening and speaking skills, which can't preparelearners for the challenge of the real life for we use both the receptive and theproductive skills in the real world. Our teaching method is called the jug-and-mugteaching approach, in which the teacher, a full jug, pours knowledge into the emptymug-the student. In this case, learners are passive listeners both physically and mentally.The biggest issue that bothers the English teacher is the silence phenomenon in class,particularly the senior high school students, few of whom get involved in the classactivities actively or respond to the teacher actively. To our surprise, according to theinvestigation, most of the learners believe being active in the class can improve theirlearning outcomes. Research shows some reasons account for the silence phenomenonfrom three aspects: external environment, the teacher and students themselves.

1.2 The importance of positive classroom climate
Classroom teaching is one of the most important channels for improving the qualityof school Education, which is directly related to the efficiency and effectiveness ofschool education. Since the implementation of the national education curriculum reformin China, a lot of research achievements have been obtained in the choice of coursematerials,teaching methods and teaching strategies,which greatly enhance the qualityof classroom teaching. Nevertheless after careful analysis and deep reflection of thecurrent status of China's education, our society ought to put forward new and higherrequirements for the student in terms of knowledge structures, a variety of abilities,英语论文范文英语论文,personality and etc. Therefore there are still serious challenges for our classroomteaching especially in promoting the development of both teachers and students. Thenational English curriculum emphasizes that the teaching process is an interactive andcommunicative process between the teacher and the student, during which it isimportant to find a balance between knowledge and skills. English teaching is supposedto cultivate students' autonomy and cooperation spirit in learning, to guide the studentsto question, investigate and inquiry, to let students leam to communicate and share, andto improve students' ability to put what they have leamt into practice. Therefore ,teachers ought to bear the responsibility to respect individual differences and promotethe development of the student, to meet students , individual needs and to create apositive learning environment, in which both teachers and students can activelyparticipate in the class activities in order to facilitate the
