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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One: Literature Review

本章是由三个部分:定义,合作学习合作学习;保鲜剂的探讨近况,在国内和国外的合作学习的理论基础。This chapter is made up of three sections: the definition ofcooperative learning; the theoretical bases of cooperative learning; thecurrent research situation of cooperative learning both at home andabroad.

1.1 The definition of cooperative learning
合作意味着一起工作或完成一定的任务,一起为了一个共同的目的。教学生学会如何合作是一个21世纪的四个教育的要求。这也是未来教育的一个重要目标。在近代,人们都需要相互沟通,合作和援助,无论他们是在科研或在日常生活和学习的过程。因此,合作学习已经应运而生,以满足这样一个迫切的需求。合作学习是一种新的学习措施和教学策略,学生为中心组的形式,意思是一起学习,为了一个共同的学习目标和改善彼此。具体来说,合作学习小组学习的形式的著作,改变了传统的以教师为中心的局面,目的是使每一个学生都有实践的机会,他们的语言和展示自我。确保每个学生不仅可以听到自己的声音,英语毕业论文,也听别人说什么,从而导致学生之间相互帮助和指导的习惯,英语毕业论文,从而解决他们遇到的各种问题,在学习过程的想法合作学习来自美国,是一个挑战,针对传统的教学思想和教学组织形式,其代表是约翰逊兄弟(1993)在20世纪70年代andit。他们认为,合作学习是指形成小组合作学习的教学,以确保学生能够改善他人以及自己达到一个共同的学习目标。Cooperation means working together or finishing a certain tasktogether for a common purpose. Teaching students to learn how tocooperate is one of the four Education requirements of the 21st Century. Itis also an important goal of future education. In modem times, people allneed mutual communication,cooperation and assistance, whether they'rein scientific research or in daily life and learning process. Therefore,cooperative learning has come into being to meet such an urgent demand.Cooperative learning is a new learning method and teaching strategy,which is student-centered and in the form of groups, meaning learningtogether and improving each other for a common learning goal.Specifically speaking, cooperative learning works in the form of grouplearning, changes the traditional teacher-centered situation and aims tomake every student have a chance to practice their language and display themselves. It ensures that every student can not only make their ownvoices heard but also listen to what others say, thus causing a habit ofmutual help and instruction among students so as to solve all kinds ofproblems they come across during learning process.The idea of cooperative learning comes from America in 1970s andit is a challenge aiming at traditional teaching ideas and organizationalforms, whose representatives are Brothers Johnson (1993). They thinkthat cooperative learning means forming groups of cooperative learningin teaching so as to ensure that students can improve others as well asthemselves and reach a common learning goal.
As a new form of teaching model, cooperative learning is believed tobe an effective teaching strategy. Wang Tan (2017), the famous scholarmajoring in cooperative learning in our country, has drawn the followingconclusion; cooperative learning is a unity of a series of teachingactivities, which is based on modem social psychology, education socialpsychology, cognitive psychology and modem education technology. It isguided by goal-design, motivated by all-member mutual cooperation andis carried out in the form of group activities in a class. It aims to enhanceall students' academic performance, change the social psychologicalatmosphere in class and develop students' good qualities and social skills.The features of cooperative learning are short-time, high-efficiency,low-consumption and a sense of happiness.

1.2 The theoretical bases of cooperative learning
As cooperative learning is becoming more and more popular all overthe world, the theoretical bases of it become more and more abundant aswell. It is closely related to psychology and sociology. The main theoriesinvolved are
