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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
Because English is so popular used in the world, it wins the name of a ―worldlanguage‖(Graddol, 2017). It is an official language of 85% of the worldorganizations (Crystal, 2017); including the World Trade Organization, the EuropeanUnion, the United Nations, the International Olympic Committee and etc. It is also, bythe international practice, the official language for maritime and aeronauticcommunications. In some circumstances, English is a requirement in fields ofdiplomacy, communications, business, science, medicine, information technology,and entertainment. According to Crystal (2017), 90% articles published in academicfields are written in English and in the movie industry, at least 85% of the movies arein English.In this circumstance, English is seen as a tool to access some global fields, and asa result is regarded as an ideal asset. To improve citizen‘s competence of English,many countries open English courses. English language teaching is supposed to beneutral, and impartial. However, the assumption has been challenged for the reasonthat English carries a set of ideologies, values, and norms based on the history of itsdevelopment and use. Therefore, it is important for English language educators to takethe social, cultural, economic, and political consequences of English seriously.

1.2 Significance of this Study
The significance of this study can be divided into three aspects. First, it is a newattempt to deal with tests from the CDA perspective. Since CDA became widespreadin the discourse analysis world, numerous critical analyses have been taken on newsor political discourses, but few have related to tests. The study will be a supplement inthis field. Second, the critical discourse analysis of CET-4 will be useful in explainingtests‘ ideological nature hidden in apparently neutral and impartial language, thereforeraising the language learners‘ critical awareness and leading the introduction of CDAinto English teaching. Finally, the significance of this study lies in helping collegestudents to have a better and more comprehensive understanding of the content,structure and emphasis of the listening conversations, and by doing so to improvetheir test scores to some extent.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Previous Studies of Critical Discourse Analysis from Abroad
There have been numerous studies on ideology in western countries. ChenZhongzhu (1995a) divided the development of CDA into four stages: sprouting(1976-1979); stagnancy (1979-1985); reflection (1985-1987) and recovery (1988- ).According to Wodak (2017) CDA develops rapidly since 1991. Based on Wodak‘sidea, I modify Chen Zhongzhu‘s four divisions into three; they are the embryonicstage, the mature stage and the further developing stage. The germination of CDA is benefited from the boom of ―linguistic criticism‖during the latter half of 1970. Literary critics took discourse as a way for appeal, andexamined how language operates in the social and historical environment. Affected bythis trend, at the end of the 1970s, British began a large-scale study on non-literarytexts, the mass media discourse. This kind of study led to the formation of CDA.Roger Fowler (1979) and his colleagues in East Anglia University edited Languageand Control. They explore the ways language functions in ,英语论文范文英语论文题目
