Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
For a long time, Chinese college English teaching was dominated by thetraditional approach, which is a teacher-oriented approach. The teacher usuallyteaches everything and talks for most of the time in class, which gives students fewchances to practice themselves or do autonomous learning. In recent years, learnerautonomy has attracted much attention in the field of foreign language teaching andlearning, especially since the College English Curriculum Requirement was issued in2017. This requirement stresses the foster of students individualized learningmethods and the development of their autonomous English learning competence,which shows that Chinese college English teaching is shifting its focus on the trainingof students awareness of autonomous learning and developing their autonomouslearning competence. This development of learner autonomy has received increasingattention in China s EFL (English as Foreign Language) teaching at the tertiary level.
The concept of learner autonomy was first proposed by Henri Holec in the 1980s.In the following years, substantial research on learner autonomy has been carried outand turned out to be fruitful. Some define the concept of learner autonomy and probeinto its theoretical basis. Some deal with the problem of how to cultivate learner sability of learner autonomy. Some describe the characteristics of autonomous learners.Others aim at finding out factors that may affect learner autonomy, such as attitudes,beliefs, motivation, strategies and so on. Among all these learner variables,motivation has been considered to be one of the most important factors in foreignlanguage learning. Effective self-regulated learning is another factor that affects students language learning success. However, only a few studies conducted exploredthe relationship between motivation, self-regulation and learner autonomy. In China,not much research has been done on the issue of autonomous learning and has beendone at the tertiary level.
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
This paper aims to analyse the motivational behaviour, self-regulated learningand autonomous learning situation among university students in terms of gender,family background and academic specialisation so as to see 1) general characteristicsof each component; 2) differences among different groups of students; 3) therelationship among motivation, self-regulation and learner autonomy.Autonomous learning has become an irresistible trend in English learning at thepresent time. This research is also done in the hope of raising teachers awareness ofthe importance of learner autonomy in EFL teaching and helping them developstudents ability to learn autonomously and effectively in class as well as after class.With the suggestions proposed, it is hoped tha