
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
The demand of compound talents who can use English proficiently in economicand trade fields increases sharply. Studies have shown that, since the 1990s,with thedevelopment of China's socialist market economy,the social demand for Englishlanguage and literature graduates greatly reduced. English talents who are good ateconomy, law, news are in large demand. The senior personnel who are fluent inEnglish and capable of knowledge and skills of business are widely favored by theemployers. With the requirements of the new era,the cultivation and training ofpersonnel should necessarily coincide with the time change and development. SoBusiness English is concerned more than before. Therefore,In March 2017,it wasapproved by the Ministry of Education to set up as an undergraduate major. Accordingto incomplete statistics, as of 2017,nearly 1000 institutions offered Business Englishcourses. Some institutions were approved the establishment of the Business Englishundergraduate major by the Ministry of Education. Thus, Business English major isnow in the booming. It reflects the improvement of the requirements for the BusinessEnglish majors.

1.2 Purpose and Significance
In recent years,researches of Business English disciplines positioning, curriculumdesign, teaching methods and teaching materials raise great concern. Nevertheless, theemployment situation of the Business English graduates is not optimistic. Universityeducation changes from elite to mass level. The standard of the Public English Teachingimproves gradually. More and more economy majors' English increasingly improve.These graduates have solid commercial knowledge and skills and high standard ofEnglish. This situation is undoubtedly a potential crisis for Business English graduates.In the increasingly severe employment situation, can the graduates of the BusinessEnglish have a clear positioning and find a satisfying job after graduation? Whether theemployers can be satisfied with the professional skills and the overall quality of thegraduates of Business English or not? Curriculum design is the way to professionaltraining objectives and the key to answering the above questions. The curriculum shouldbe established on the basis of needs analysis. However,for a long time,the needsanalysis in our Business English curriculum has not been given sufficient attention. Thecurriculum designers determine what course should be opened more from an academicpoint of view. Using this method to set the course will inevitably cause a gap betweenthe needs of students and future requirements. Therefore, in this article, the needsanalysis will be from three angles: Business English majors,英语论文范文,previous graduates andemployers. Questionnaire for Business English undergraduates can help us have ageneral understanding of their learning needs. The survey conducted by the previousBusiness English graduates enables us to understand the actual needs of their work. ByInterviewing with the employers,we can have a better in-depth understanding of thecapacity requirements for Business English graduates. There will be a combination ofdifferent needs analysis which provides the basis for the curriculum design and helpsthe cultivation of comprehensive Business English talents.

Chapter Two Literature Review,英语论文网站
