Chapter One Introduction引言
人们认为商务英语是一个ESP的细分(特殊用途英语),通常分为学术用途英语(英语学术目的)和EOP(英语为职业目的)。作为EOP的一个分支、商务英语不同于其他种类的ESP,它通常是一个具体内容和一般内容的混合。It is believed that Business English is a subdivision of ESP (English for SpecificPurposes) that is generally divided into EAP (English for Academic Purposes) and EOP(English for Occupational Purposes). As a branch of EOP, Business English differs fromother varieties of ESP in that it is often a mix of specific content and general content.The former usually is related to a specific professional area while the latter to generalability to make an effective communication in business situation. Moreover, BusinessEnglish can be classified into EGBP (English for General Business Purposes) and ESBP(English for Specific Business Purposes) in accordance with the different subjectsconcerned in Business English courses (Dudley-Evans & St John, 1998).As we know now, English is the accepted medium for international businesstransactions and the same is true of China. With gaining an increasing popularity in thejob market, lots of program courses of Business English have been carried out forcultivating talents of this area in a number of educational institutions. Therefore, thedemand for Business English has burgeoned in recent years and there has been amushrooming of courses for learners, courses for teachers, materials for learners, andreference materials. However, there is relatively little published research into whatconstitutes the practical requirement on Business English for Chinese learners,especially those learners with English-major background who are being involved inbusiness transactions and operations under business context.The orientation of Business English seems to be vague as a discipline. This ismainly due to that it involves two different academic areas: business and linguistics.Business English is being at the direction towards trade or economics in China, which isin a slight deviation from its original conception (Zhang Zuocheng, 2017). According toZhang Zuocheng (2017), Business English is characterized as a communicative systemwhich belongs to foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. In other words, learningBusiness English ought to be learning English through business instead of the verso.However, for many business professionals using occupational English in China, thedemand for them to employ English in business situation is not only embraced byskillful English language proficiency but also the relevant business subject knowledgeor specific business operational skills. As a result, it is important to investigate whathappens in their profession among the job-experienced professionals in China. In turn,the feedback from them can be adopted in the college curriculum of training talents ofBusiness English.In this dissertation, there are two survey questionnaires respectively designed forpre-experience learners and job-experienced professionals who both bear English-majorbackground. What is reported from the survey is connected with several issues incurrent Business English situation. The practical needs yielded from thejob-experienced professionals is to be discussed and analyzed.The survey questionnaires are mainly following the current concept of needsanalysis described by Dudley-Evans & St John (1998). The major aspects contained areprofessional information about the respondents; personal information about therespondents; English language info,英语论文题目,英语论文 |