
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22


摘要: 商务合同英语属半法学性语言,用词准确、正式、严谨,具有鲜明文体意义。本文基于典型实例的略论,从书卷词语、/英语论文专业术语、古体词、外来词、词语并列以及模糊性限制词等方面论述了商务合同英语在词汇层次所体现出来的文体特征。
关键词: 商务合同英语; 词汇特征; 严谨性
商务合同英语是随着商品生产的不断发展及贸易往来的日益频繁而形成的一种文体形式,是一种广泛运用于商务合同、契约、协定、协议、保函、招投标书的书面语言。商务合同是在商务活动中签署的具有法学地位的法学文件,因此,商务合同英语既具有商务英语的特点,同时也具有法学英语的特点。Martin Joos按照语言使用的正式程度提出了英语的五种变体,即庄重文体(frozen style),正式文体(formal style),商议文体(consultative style),随便文体(casual style)和亲密文体(intimate style)。交际目的是构成话语范围的主要因素,不同的交际目的要求使用不同的文体。一般认为商务合同英语属庄重文体,即各体英语中正式程度最高的一种。
商务合同英语要对交易各方的权利、义务和行为原则的准确涵义和范围进行直接而明确的规定,其措词必须严谨精确、庄重、正式和不带个人感情色彩。为此,商务合同英语常用拉丁语派生词(Latinate words)取代同义的一般英语词汇,以示高雅正式,这就是常说的书卷用词(literary words或learned words),即所谓的“大词”(big words)。例如:
The Agreement shall commence on this day and automatically terminate upon the bankruptcy or insolvency of either of the parties hereto. (用commence和terminate分别代替begin和end)
The participants in the joint venture shall commence discussion with regard to the extension of the period of existence of the venture and in the event of their agreeing upon such extension, they shall record such agreement in a written document signed by all of them not later than three years prior to the expiry of the current period.
(用with regard to, in the event of和prior to分别代替about, in case of和before)
专业术语(technical terms)具有鲜明的文体特色。其意义精确、单一、无歧义,且不带有个人感情色彩。为了准确描述商务活动中的各个交易环节以及与此相关的各类单据,商务合同英语文体中使用了大量表意清楚的商务专业术语。例如:
Within the validity period of Contract, Licensee shall not disclose or divulgeknow-how(专有技术) to any third party without prior written consent of Licensor.(“know-how”专指有关特许产品的生产、使用和销售及不属于专利范围的所有技术资料、设计、技术规范、生产程序、图纸和其他资料)。
同时,为了准确描述商务活动中交易双方各自的权利与义务,商务合同英语中也使用了较多的法学专业的术语。狭义的法学术语指仅出现在或大多数情况下出现在法学文件中的法学科学的特有术语,此意义上的法学术语在商务合同文体中的数量不多,如:imputed negligence(转嫁的过失责任)特指可向与行为人有利害联系的人或有合同联系的另一方追究责任的过失。商务合同中这类狭义的法学专业术语不以大众是否理解或接受为转移,它是商务合同语言准确表达的保障,是其独有的现象。而广义的法学术语则包括在法学文体中被赋予特定法学意义的常用词语,如action(诉讼),party(当事人),financial responsibility (经济责任,指违约责任,具体可指“赔偿损失”、“支付违约金”和“支付迟延支付金额的利息”)。下面为我国某进口企业与某出口商签订的进口合同中有关仲裁的合同条款规定,其中斜体部分则为常见的法学专业术语。
All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiations. Where no settlement can be reached the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration(仲裁). If the Sellers are the plaintiff(申诉人) the arbitration shall take place in Stockholm. Each party shall appoint anarbitrator(仲裁员)within 30 days after receipt of notification from the opposite party and the two Arbitrators thus appointed shall jointly nominate a third person asumpire(首席仲裁员) to form an Arbitration Committee(仲裁委员会). The said umpire shall be confined to the citizens of Swedish nationality. If the Buyers are the plaintiff the arbitration shall take place in Beijing and be conducted by the Arbitration Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedures (仲裁程序) promulgated by the said Arbitration Committee. Neither party shall seek recourse to a law court or other authorities to appeal(上诉)for revision of the decision.Arbitration expenses(诉讼费用)sha,英语论文网站英语论文题目
